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World Palestinian Resistance (by Latuff) Latuff - 30.06.2002 17:40
If you fight oppression, then you are Palestinian as well.  "If you´re a victim of oppression, then you are Palestinian as well". That was the sentence for the first cartoon from "We are all Palestinians" series, posted on IMC about January 2002, where the suffering of Palestinians was linked to those of various oppressed people in world history. Now I publish the last image of a new set of seven cartoons depicting the resistance against oppression. It´s called "World Palestinian Resistance", where the struggle of Palestinians is associated to many others worldwide. Here are the links for all cartoons from "World Palestinian Resistance". Copyright-free artworks on behalf of brave Palestinian, Afro-American, Vietnamese, Brazilian, French, Mexican, Tibetan and African people and their struggle, in the past and now, against all kinds of oppression. #1 - Afro-American Black Panther
http://images.indymedia.org/imc/mayday/resist1.gif #2 - Vietcong
http://images.indymedia.org/imc/mayday/resist2.gif #3 - Brazilian Landless Movement
http://images.indymedia.org/imc/mayday/resist3.gif #4 - World War 2 French Maquis
http://images.indymedia.org/imc/mayday/resist4.gif #5 - Native from Zapatista Movement
http://images.indymedia.org/imc/mayday/resist5.gif #6 - Tibetan monk
http://images.indymedia.org/imc/mayday/resist6.gif #7 - African slave
http://images.indymedia.org/imc/mayday/resist7.gif E-Mail: latuff@uninet.com.br |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen |  | Ontzettende onzin weer | Martin Wisse - 01.07.2002 10:01
Moeten die idiote cartoons van Latuff nou echt elke keer weer? Alsof alles draait om Palestina.
| haha | Ca$h - 01.07.2002 11:46
indymedia en spelling.. en de prenten ook zijn allemaal lelijk. met die grote muilen. | Ik vind ze mooi | 03.07.2002 03:07
Hou je subjectieve meningen voor je, wil je.
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