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over pim en europa Alexander Zaitchik - 03.07.2002 15:01
Alexander Zaitchik is a co-founder of Freezerbox Magazine. He currently lives in Prague, Czech Republic, where he is editor of The Prague Pill, http://www.pill.cz an alternative English-language city paper. excerpt: And ol´ Pim posed a perfectly plausible point. Millions of immigrants have failed to assimilate into the dominant culture of their European host countries. The melting pot hasn´t melted much, and the prospect of a divided society with growing numbers of people committed to different values is just not attractive to native populations. September 11th didn´t help, but even without al-Qaida operatives plotting in Paris, it´s not without logic to say that immigration causes a certain amount of social conflict by definition. The US is the most assimilated immigrant nation in the world, and it still has race riots and acid waves of anti-immigrant backlash. There is no getting around this. It has its deepest roots in a human nature that is territorial and clannish. Countering these impulses requires the careful creation of a society that is prosperous and inclusive. But creating and maintaining such a society is now complicated by the forces of globalization, forces represented by the far-right´s other bogeymen: Eurocrats in Brussels. Website: http://www.freezerbox.com/archive/article.asp?id=202 |
aanvullingen |  | Sounds like a Borg-Industries production !! | BlackPope - 06.07.2002 11:05
Well, I for one won´t be eagerly reading it to find out - don´t want to get myself ´assimilated´, do I?
E-Mail: BlackPope@operamail.com | |
aanvullingen | |