Counter Hegemony Project Dan Lesh - 10.07.2002 13:12
Counter Hegemony is a much better way of characterizing the rapidly growing and coalescing movements from around the world.  Hello! I wanted to alert you of a website I operate called CounterHeg ( I compile newsletters (no more than 2 per day and five per week) of news from around the globe about various forms of resistance, from music to politics to local demonstrations, etc. If you have a look at the site, you'll get a picture of the kind of news I include. You'll also notice that the site is currently really visually bland-- I assure you, this is temporary, I just haven't had time to design something as big as I'm thinking. Anyway, if you like the site, please feel free to subscribe to the list. CounterHeg, for the moment, is a newsletter, but is actually part of a bigger scheme called Counter Hegemony. Counter Hegemony is a much better way of characterizing the rapidly growing and coalescing movements from around the world. Yes, this is what most call the "anti-globalization" movement, but any one involved in the movement is fully aware that its a particular (liberal economic) form of "globalization" that we're anti-. Counter Hegemony encompasses the whole bit, though. Its a cultural movement conscious of the validity of economistic and socially conscious Marxist arguments and is also very aware that feminism, environmentalism, critical race theory, and humans' every day experience sometimes come into contradiction with each other in irreconcilable ways under the current power structures. We know about these contradictions and are willing to press on, with each other, building a new hegemony; one bent on freedom for all, with equal rights for women, men, blacks, whites, everyone; with genuine respect for the environment; with workers democratically controlling every aspect of their labour; with all parents able to provide for their children; with all people free to travel across political boarders; with meaningful access to mass media channels; with votes that actually count in a political system that actually cares; and with a consciousness that understands that a (r)evolution doesn't happen overnight, but it does happen, and does need people fighting for it. Peace, Dan "please forward this" Lesh E-Mail: Website: |