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The UNITED STATES NAS-NRC (National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ) would help the military to develop " a new infective micro-organism that might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious diseases." FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION - HENK RUYSSENAARS - THE NETHERLANDS. MAN MADE AIDS ? (by Henk Ruyssenaars) The Netherlands - July 10-02 - While checking the news from Barcelona the following came to my mind. In December 1972 the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute SIPRI - informed in Scandinavia accredited foreign correspondents (like me) about new information - in a coming yearbook* by SIPRI on the development and problems of biological and chemical (CB) warfare. America's premier biological weapons testing facility in Fort Detrick*, Maryland earlier celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary ( April 1968) by sponsoring a controversial symposium on the "entry and control of foreign nucleic acids." Around the same time the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, informed the U.S. Department of Defence about the following : The UNITED STATES NAS-NRC (National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ) would help the military to develop " a new infective micro-organism that might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious diseases." On pages 313 and 314 the following text (still) can be found, describing - as it looks to many - the final stage of experimenting and planning, before introducing a CB-weapon which should be : "refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious diseases." (Like HIV/AIDS ?) The text* in the SIPRI book concerns this : "In 1969 a US Department of defense spokesman provided a Congressional committee (US House of Representatives, 91st Congress, 1st Session. Washington, 1969 ; 104-44.) with the following information which everybody should judge for her- or himself : QUOTE : "The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular biology led us to investigate the relevance of this field of science to biological warfare. A small group of experts considered this matter and provided the following observations : 1. All biological agents up to the present time are representatives of naturally occurring diseases, and are thus known by scientists throughout the world. They are easily available to qualified scientists for research, either for offensive or defensive purposes. 2. Within the next five to ten years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which could differ in certain important aspects from any know disease- causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease. 3. A research programme to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately five years at a total cost of $ 10 million. 4. It would be very difficult to establish such a program. Molecular biology is a relatively new science. There are not many highly competent scientists in the field, almost all are in university laboratories, and they are generally adequately supported from sources other than DOD. However, it was considered possible to initiate an adequate program through the National Academy of Sciences National research Council (NAS-NRC). The matter was discussed with the NAS-NRC, and tentative plans were made to initiate the program. However, decreasing funds in CB, growing criticism of the CB program, and our reluctance to involve the NAS-NRC in such controversial endeavour have led us to postpone it for the past two years. It is a highly controversial issue, and there are many who believe such research should not be undertaken lest it lead to yet another method of massive killing of large populations. On the other hand, without the sure scientific knowledge that such a weapon is possible, and an understanding of the ways it could be done, there is little that can be done to devise defensive measures. Should an enemy develop it, there is little doubt that this is an important area of potential military technological inferiority in which there is no adequate research program". End quote. See also : US admits it tested nerve gas on its sailors, below. SO ? ABOUT HIV/AIDS ? WHODUNNIT ? Foreign Press Foundation Henk Ruyssenaars The Netherlands
fpf@chello.nl There are no secrets or complots, it's only information which you don't have yet ! *SIPRI - (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) : Book : CB Weapons Today - Volume II - ISBN - 91-85114-16-2 - Excerpt from page 313 and 314.
http://www.sipri.se/ *SIPRI's US Reference {45} : Department of Defense appropriations for 1970. Part 6. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations. US House of Representatives, 91st Congress, 1st Session. Washington, 1969 ; 104-44. *FORT DETRICK's own information about some experiments...
http://www.detrick.army.mil/detrick/cutting_edge/chapter9.cfm US admits it tested nerve gas on its sailors :
http://www.guardian.co.uk/bush/story/0,7369,721936,00.html FPF/HR |
Lees meer over: wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  |  | Weer een samenzwering | Criticus - 10.07.2002 23:13
In de top tien van favoriete onderwerpen van 'samenzweringsdeskundigen' scoort AIDS altijd hoog. Dit soort 'nieuws' duikt in die kringen zo om de drie dagen op. Dit bericht bevat niets nieuws ten opzichte van eerdere 'onthullingen'. Een flinterdun gegeven wordt tot op het bot ontleedt en antwoorden worden er niet gegeven, alleen suggestieve vragen. Typisch non-nieuws. | Henk is terug! | Wilbert van Leijen - 11.07.2002 08:41
Henk is terug, om ons te vermaken in de komkommertijd! Grote vreugde werd mij deelachtig. Henk geeft zich uit voor journalist en zal geen gelegenheid laten passeren om ons daarop te wijzen (hierboven, "ik was erbij, ik was geaccrediteerd"). Wat doen journalisten? Zij geven de feiten weer en trekken daar de conclusies uit. Henk heeft alleen wat boterzachte beweringen. Hij las een rapportje, hij moest ergens aan denken. "SO ? ABOUT HIV/AIDS ? WHODUNNIT ?" Nou? Zeg het eens? Antwoorden wil ik van een journalist horen. Niet halve suggesties. Insinueren, lijkt me niet een vak dat op de School voor Journalistiek wordt onderwezen.
| Messenger | Post Scriptum - 11.07.2002 09:02
Wilbert heeft gelijk, het gaat om de belangrijke boodschap en informatie over AIDS en niet om de boodschapper. Don´t shoot the messenger! Een FPf-fan | voor de liefhebbers..... | roland de goeij - 11.07.2002 09:40
Voor de liefhebbers:
http://www.viewfromthewall.com/fwcover.htm "the history of the new world order" staat ook een mooi stuk in over het feit dat aids man-made is, en expres verspreid enz... Waar het ergens staat in het document weet ik niet meer, wordt effe zoeken dus.. Is uberhaupt een mooi document om eens te lezen op een regenachtige dag ofzo, je moet wel beetje om al het jezus/laatste-oordeel gelul heen lezen... de schrijver is nogal een fanatieke christen. Maar het document opzich is ERG interessant, en er staan dingen in waarvan je oren gaan klapperen, geeft je weer een nieuwe kijk op het neo-liberalisme.. Een aanrader wat mij betreft... Ik zeg niet dat hij de waarheid spreekt, maar hij weet het wel aardig te onderbouwen etc.. maar je weet het he, lees, leer, vorm je eigen oordeel zeg ik altijd maar, want veel documenten die op indymedia.nl verschijnen worden vaak meteen afgedaan als "conspiracy-spam" terwijl er vaak erg interessante feiten in staan.. Groetjes.... | Protocollen van Zion | Peter Zegers - 11.07.2002 14:41
Wie bovenstaande link volgt stuit op de "Protocollen van Zion". Het is maar wat je "interessant" vindt. | Memorandum AIDS | Strecker - 12.07.2002 09:16
Re Foreign Press Foundation : Is AIDS Man Made? The Strecker Memorandum ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We have a story to tell you, a very strange story that affects you, me, and every other human being on earth. A story that must be taken seriously by the governments of every nation in the world because there may not be many humans left to govern by the turn of the century, or shortly thereafter. A story so bizarre, and so sinister that, if it were not that it is all true, it would make a great science fiction thriller. (Interestingly enough, Lorimar Pictures of Hollywood purchased the rights to Dr. Strecker's life story.) The story begins in 1983 with Dr. Robert B. Strecker, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Strecker practices internal medicine and gastroenterology in Los Angeles. He is a trained pathologist and holds a Ph.D. in pharmacology. Dr. Strecker and his brother, Ted, an attorney, were preparing a proposal for a health maintenance organization (HMO) for the Security Pacific Bank of California. They needed to know the long-term financial effects of insuring the treatment of AIDS patients. Inasmuch as this information was not readily available in 1983, both brothers began researching the medical literature to learn what they could about this relatively new disease. The information they uncovered right from the beginning was so startling to them, so hard to believe, that it would dramatically alter both their lives and lead them on a five-year quest culminating with the creation of The Strecker Memorandum, the most controversial video tape of our time and a remarkable set of documents called "The Bio-Attack Alert." WHAT THEY DISCOVERED Right there in the medical literature for anyone to read for themselves was, basically, proof that the AIDS virus and pandemic was actually predicted years ago by a world-famous virologist, among others. They found that top scientists writing in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization were actually requesting that AIDS-like viruses be created to study the affects on humans. In fact, the Streckers unearthed thousands of documents all supporting the man-made origin of AIDS. Meanwhile, the government was telling everyone that a green monkey in Africa bit some native and started AIDS. As their research continued, it became obvious from the documentation that the virus itself was not only created as requested, but actually deployed, and now threatens the existence of mankind because it does what it was designed to do: cause cancer in humans via a contagious virus. Eventually, the Streckers came to realize everything the government, the so-called AIDS experts and media were telling the public was not only misleading, but out and out lies. . . . THE SCARIEST PART The most dreaded fear that all oncologists (cancer doctors), virologists, and immunologists live with is that some day cancer, in one form or another, will become a contagious disease, transferable from one person to another. AIDS has now made that fear a reality. If you think you are safe because you are not gay or promiscuous, or because you are not sexually active, then you must watch The Strecker Memorandum very carefully. . . . THOUSANDS ARE ALREADY DEAD Over one hundred thousand Americans have already died because they didn't know the truth about AIDS. Approximately 23 million Americans are already infected. More than 1 in 60 babies born in New York City is infected; three in 100 college students in America [one in 33] is infected; one in 20 aliens applying for amnesty is infected, including men, women and children . . . . WHY A VIDEO TAPE? One of the first things the Streckers did was to try and tell their medical and legal colleagues what they were finding in the literature. Some were interested; most were not. Certainly no one was prepared to risk their professional standing by making waves within the establishment. Ted Strecker compiled some of the most damaging documents into a report he called "The Bio-Attack Alert" and sent it to every Governor of every state, the President, the Vice-President (George Bush), the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and selected members of Congress. He got a grand total of three replies from three governors, nothing from the government. Both he and Dr. Strecker were laughed at and ridiculed at every turn. As an example, Dr. Strecker told the government in 1985 that virtually every person testing positive for AIDS would die prematurely and painfully. The government said that was nonsense. Their figures showed that maybe ten percent at most would die from the disease. In 1986, the government said maybe 50 percent of those infected would die, in 1987, they said maybe 75 percent, in 1988 they finally agreed with Dr. Strecker that AIDS is virtually 100 percent fatal. We could go on with facts Dr. Strecker unearthed that the "experts" said were wrong and now accepted as the truth. Dr. Strecker, like a good scientist, submitted paper after paper with his findings published in Europe. Again, closed doors. What to do? Dr. Strecker did not feel he could take the time from his practice and his research to write a book. On the other hand, everyone has a TV and now most households have a VCR. The time involved to make a video is nothing compared to writing a book, and so the video The Strecker Memorandum was created. It is 96 minutes of the most startling, controversial, and information-packed video you will ever see. It disputes virtually everything the American public is being told by the government, so-called AIDS experts, and the media. In fact, after seeing it YOU will know more about AIDS than 99 percent of all doctors in America. MUSIC IS NOTHING IF THE AUDIENCE IS DEAF With the video made, it seemed a simple matter to advertise it and the world would now become aware of what it was facing, right? Wrong! The fact that you are even reading about The Strecker Memorandum now is a minor miracle by itself, inasmuch as TV stations have refused to advertise it. TV and radio time brokers that sell blocks of commercial time have refused to sell us time. TV station managers have refused to even air programs containing interviews with Dr. Strecker. A national radio network did an interview with a famous talk show host and Dr. Strecker-and then refused to run it. Virtually every big name network television magazine show and all the syndicated TV interviewers and talk show hosts have said NO to Dr. Strecker. Big city newspapers will not take any print ads telling about it, and so it goes. WHY? What is in The Strecker Memorandum that sends a cold chill down the spine of most media executives? WHY IS EVERYONE AFRAID OF THE STRECKER MEMORANDUM? The excuse we hear over and over is that it is too controversial. Too controversial? They say that this information, if widely disseminated, will cause the public to panic. If someone had poisoned our water supply and you and your family could die, wouldn't you want to know about it? Would you panic? Or would you more likely be outraged and try to find out who did it and punish them? We feel the only persons who might panic are those scientists who willingly or otherwise created AIDS and are now promoting misinformation by covering it up. . . THINK OF YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS -NOW THINK OF THEM DEAD It may take a while before the words "species threatening" sink in, because the term has rarely been used before to describe an existing human condition. But once you realize the implications of that term and realize that, unlike any other kind of disease ever known to man, past or present, AIDS can, if unchecked kill every human on earth, then your outlook and attitude regarding everything in life must change. Whether you like it or not and despite all your precautions, the time will come when you will test positive for AIDS, and it can happen much quicker than you realize. IT'S OUT THERE The number of AIDS-infected people is doubling approximately every 12 months, and in some areas even sooner. With 23 million Americans carrying the virus, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see how long we have here in the U.S. Africa has, conservatively, 75 million infected; some estimates double that. Brazil as a country is in serious jeopardy because all through the 1970's they were buying their blood supply from Africa. On top of that, the World Health Organization conducted a large scale small pox vaccination program there in the 1970s (for the full implications of that see The Strecker Memorandum). Southern Japan has at least 30 percent infected with HTLV-I, the leukemia-causing virus (although you will never hear about that on TV). Haiti of course, is ravaged by AIDS; more than 20 percent of the people are infected and getting worse every day. And so it goes. Virtually every nation on earth with few exceptions (Iran is one) is reporting a growing problem. It's on every continent, every sub-continent, and every island chain, Atlantic and Pacific. So why won't the media or government tell you these things? Is it too controversial for you to handle? Are you going to panic? IS THERE ANY HOPE Yes and no. No, if you are waiting for the government to create a magic bullet. As you will see in The Strecker Memorandum, part of the problem is that all the various AIDS viruses are recombinant retroviruses. Very simply, that means they have the ability to recombine with the genes of any cell they enter and the offspring or new viruses they form are different from the parent viruses. HTLV-III alone (that's the most common American AIDS virus) has the mathematical ability to change itself 4 to the 9,000th power. The common cold recombines much less frequently and we haven't found a cure for it after a hundred years. Besides, does it make much sense to entrust the cure for AIDS to the same people that may have created it? Yes, there is hope if Dr. Strecker and a growing number of realistic scientists are correct in looking at alternative, non-allopathic, non-drug modalities based on Raman spectroscopy. In fact, much research is going on now that offers great promise. Unfortunately, our government takes a dim view of any type of treatment for any type of disease-let alone AIDS-that does not conform to its rigid rules for acceptance, registration and legalization. Of course the FDA would definitely like to see an allopathic drug treatment or cure presented by an ethical drug company or university. Well, we don't think that's going to happen. Because of this attitude, much experimentation in America must go underground, underfunded, or out of the country entirely. Again this is explained further in The Strecker Memorandum. BE BOLD AND MIGHTY FORCES WILL COME TO YOUR AID-OR MIGHTY FORCES WILL COME AND KILL YOU An ominous personal aspect of this story has been the sudden and unexpected deaths of two of the key players. First, Dr. Strecker's brother, Ted Strecker, was found shot to death in his home in Springfield, Missouri, an apparent suicide, on August 11, 1988. Was Ted Strecker suicidal? Perhaps. In the past he suffered from depression and monumental frustration at the relative lack of interest in his findings. Dr. Strecker spoke with him the night before his death. Ted was cheerful, in good spirits, and looking forward to certain new developments that promised progress. The next day he was found dead, his 22-caliber rifle next to him. No message, no goodbyes to anyone. Officially a suicide. Next, Illinois State Representative Douglas Huff of Chicago was found alone in his home, dead from an apparent overdose of cocaine and heroin, on September 22, 1988. Representative Huff did everything in his power to make the Illinois State Legislature and the people of Chicago aware of Dr. Strecker's work. He was very vocal, gave many press interviews, was constantly on television and radio urging people to wake up to the coverup concerning AIDS. Did Representative Huff use drugs? Perhaps. Was he an addict? No. Would he have known how dangerous a massive overdose of cocaine and heroin was? Yes, of course. Cause of death: officially a stroke. Dr. Strecker has serious doubts that his brother killed himself. Representative Huff's associates doubt he died accidentally, and yet they are gone. Who's next? IGNORANCE IS BLISS, OR IS IT SUICIDE? We all know it is easier for a king to have a lie believed than a beggar to spread the truth. Well, we are spreading the truth about AIDS. Unfortunately, it isn't pretty. But the fact is, you are not being told the truth by the government or the so-called AIDS experts. The media, for reasons of their own, will not present information contradicting the official propaganda. So you can choose to go along with the same people who gave us brain cancer (SV-40 virus) as a result of their contaminated polio vaccines in the early 1960's, a polio-like disease from their contaminated Swine Flu Vaccine in the 1970's; and AIDS from their smallpox and hepatitis B vaccines; or, you can at least make yourself aware of the clear and present dangers that we all face by watching The Strecker Memorandum. The cost of the tape is nominal, but we submit that remaining ignorant can cost infinitely more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE STRECKER GROUP 1501 Colorado Blvd., Eagle Rock, CA 90041 (203)344-8039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aids Conspiracy -- North Coast HOME -- To the Editor -- Archives
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