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Continuing Curfew Creates Humanitarian Disast XE - 19.07.2002 19:46
ISRAEL'S WAR CRIMES Continuing Curfew Creates Humanitarian Disaster July 16, 2002 - The Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees For nearly a month, two million residents of the West Bank have been under almost constant curfew. This deliberate policy by the Israeli government has created a humanitarian disaster throughout the West Bank. Hospitals, schools, universities as well as civil and governmental institutions have been completely paralyzed. Furthermore, the Israeli-imposed curfew has decimated the economy leaving a considerable percentage of Palestinians under the poverty line and nearing levels of starvation. The Israeli government’s curfews are intended to, and have succeeded in destroying the socio-economic infrastructure of Palestine. Its collective punishment measures represent a severe violation of international law, and have no justification as security measures. As such, we are astounded and deeply concerned by the weak response of the international community in denouncing Israel’s creation of this ever-increasing humanitarian crisis. THIS IS AN URGENT CALL FOR ALL HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATIONS WORLWIDE TOINTERVENE IMMEDIATELY For more information, please contact Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi at: Medical Relief - 00972-59-254-218 or consult our new website: www.upmrc.org |
aanvullingen |  | kleine bijdrage | Anonymous - 20.07.2002 02:11
Mensen langdurig in angst en onzekerheid houden sloopt niet alleen de infrastructuur en toegang tot bestaansmiddelen maar ook de psychische en biologische weerstand. Dit is nu juist de essentie van terreur :( | TABOE! | 21.07.2002 05:30
Niet over deze slachoffers praten (terrorist!)! Deze doden vallen vanuit tanks, Helicopeters en ander modern wapentuig. Die lieden met springstof op hun lichaam, dat zijn de echte terroristen, het onderscheid: Low-Tech Wapens. Moorden vanuit een bommenwerper, Apache helicopter, Tanks, etc is ok, vooral geen springstof op je eigen lijf binden dat is "TERRORISME" We brkeen willekeurig de botten van Palestijnen maar dat is geen schending van de mensenrechten want het is Israel, en wat Israel doet is goed.. Aldus de "brave new world - dictionary".
| Weer die tering amerikanen... | 21.07.2002 09:00
The Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel (AACI) is a voluntary, Zionist organization serving approximately 120,000 North Americans living in Israel. We are dedicated to the successful absorption of these North American Israelis into Israeli societetie honderdtwintigduizend.....
Website: http://www.aaci.org.il/side/side1.htm | Alleen in Israel? | John Veldhuis - 22.07.2002 15:28
Als die AACI club alleen maar mensen in Israel helpt, heb ik er geen problemen mee. Waarschijnlijk zullen noord-amerikanen niet in Palestijns gebied gehuisvest hoeven worden, zoals de import uit o.a. Rusland overkomt... Als ze er aan meewerken om welke Israeli dan ook te laten wonen in een kolonie op Palestijns gebied, zijn ze net zo medeplichtig aan de illegale en misdadige bezetting ervan. | New York Times van vandaag | 23.07.2002 17:12
[14]Israeli Strike in Gaza Kills a Hamas Leader and 14 Others An Israeli missile today killed a top leader of the violent group Hamas, and at least 14 others, including several children. More than 140 people were also wounded in the attack. 14 doden en 140 gewonden, en maar zeiken over zelfmoordenaars...
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