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Pics at Strasbourg - no border camp indy_mind - 23.07.2002 13:50
pics from the camp  the camp  women and lesbian meeting who created a separatist space at the camp  entrance  internal street at the camp  ASCII free internet cafe'  mexican duck mascotte  ak kraak (Video activists) laurie here are some pics that have been taken at the camp |
aanvullingen |  | little mistake | indy_mind - 23.07.2002 13:59
the free internet cafe' space is been kept alive not only by ASCII but also with the LOW TEC group, germany | Noborder radio ppl please come in the chat!!! | VK RADIO - 23.07.2002 15:29
Because of the technical quality off the radio it's very urgent to have some communication!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So any one who is in Strassbourg, tell the radio ppl no get into the chat at the indy server thanx a million :)) | CHAT #noborder | M02 - 23.07.2002 16:53
Connect your favourite IRC programme to server irc.indymedia.org and /join #noborder Or: Go to the java webchat (linked below) and put #noborer" instead of "#indymedia And don't forget to gve yourself a (nick)name Website: http://irc.indymedia.org | |
aanvullingen | |