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Finnish government bonds - independence insec Ake Tyvi - 26.07.2002 12:48
Should you invest on government bonds? GOVERNMENT BONDS - INDEPENDENCE INSECURE AND QUESTIONABLE FINLAND - At the time Finland became independent in the early 20th century, were doubts raised if Finland could succeed. For a valid reason these doubts were also raised at the time by The King of Sweden. Mainly HM pondered weather Finland could success based on several such facts like intellectuality, capability to handle foreign policy and relatively small inhabitant amount. By the way, later on all MS’s doubts have been proved to be correct, and without any doubts HM understood, why Finland should not become an independent state… When Finland declared itself as an autonomous state, only those who had financial or similar ‘meaningful’ relationship between Finland confessed Finland as a independent state. Finland’s independence declaration didn’t cause any real ‘gold rush’, and making Finland as an independent state was an idea manufactured only few people, who never really understood what they were doing. These people simply taught, that independence would serve the people’s best interest. Forming an autonomous state meant not only political and financial opportunities, but also formed well camouflaged ‘inside upper circle’. Upper circle was formed by certain families, who skilfully hide their families into government machinery to work for these families. Without independence declaration taking this change to rule would had been impossible. So, Finland was claimed to become a republic and a ‘democracy’ in 1917. For blue and write collars democracy is under different concept, than to people conducting investigations on government crimes and making full time research on state; for members of public democracy means a change to take vote on some issues, or a seeming alternative of being able to influence on common matters. Unfortunately ruling and running a state is much bigger and more complex issue; everything may be simple on a paper, but in real life running a state becomes a mess after we add ‘the human factor’ in it. Due to the s.c. ‘human factor’ most states are not what they appear to be on black and white - an unfortunate and true fact. This previously mentioned ‘human factor’ is the main reason why Finland’s independence can be said to be insecure and questionable. What does the ‘human factor’ mean? ‘Human factor’ simply means, that people have different levels of understanding and are in the middle of their mental evolution. Some people are sophisticated, understand more and may have been privileged to better education. But it also means personal characteristics, that may vary during persons life time. Unfortunately personal characteristics combined to relatively small understanding drive our decision making and ruling mechanism in Finland; those being formally competent are often too ego driven and come from certain families. From intellectual point of a view this usually means talking to a spiritually demented civil official. A minor example of a ‘human factor’ could be for example the Finnish actors, who have refused to train Finnish politicians, in order to prevent these people lie in TV broadcasts. Under normal circumstance democratic nation is obligated in finding out reasons for the mistakes possible able to turn over the government - instead of staring to argue about the facts. But in Finland people simply start argue against facts to prove them ego bigger. Once again, in Soviet Union they use the same technique. Thus I do not hesitate supporting King’s opinion in this respect; HM might had understood, that Finnish nation and people were a bit simple minded, self-satisfied and too proud. Small amount of people living as a one nation causes the second problem Finland faces; Finland is simply too small nation to survive on its own. Size of the state is similar to NY or some other major cities, and roughly speaking our president should meet people like NY’s mayor in stead of super power leaders (Finland is much like NY, when it comes down to its internal problems; both are too small to be run nothing but some families, if you know what I mean). Fife million people population can hold only a small upper class. This upper class mainly is formed by some families and these people are ruling without caring the law. Like anyone got himself into to high society, these people are ready to do anything to stay inside their like - even it means braking systematically the law. European community do not make any change to this, it may help common labour to be shifted from one place to an other, but it doesn’t expand the society. HM might had realised at the time, that some families in Finland needed to get on top in order to rule, so HM made a remark of Finland’s population amount - who knows. Either way, are surrounding states always able to force economical pressure against Finland to make it work. Finland capability to handle foreign policy can either be reflected through presented behaviour models taken from old SF-films or from Russia labour culture. It always seem to be either over formal or too common, and usually vice versa how it should be. Some states do not even allow their government officials present in public like our do. Generally speaking and in short, does Finnish foreign policy work through compromises and usually result mistakes? A marvellous example of Finnish foreign policy; when relatively ignorant and selfish people are hired to make consultation into a foreign nation to help its development, its like shifting money to your friend’s pocket by exporting tractors as ‘development aid’ like happened to Finland some time ago. Result? From state point of view development aid, from tractor CEO’s point of view an extra income via his friend and from third nation point of view something they were not able to use. An other marvellous example of Finnish foreign policy and a word of a warning; relatively ignorant people are put under ‘leadership educational programs’ to train them as managers and executives. In these programs people’s ego is trained for making fast business moves, eating fancy lunches out and travelling by planes round the world. Being an CEO, executive or manager takes something else and is quite fat from just spending corporation money. I think its time to say ‘good bye’ to Finns once again. I rather live and work among people, who finish they education, do not rush from one place to an other, are vice enough to listen and give grounds for their decisions. As my tutor once said Africa faces the same dilemma (in contradict) while watching ‘The Erwing Family’ from TV in their smut-huts; we want to live like the white man. - Unfortunately no one told them, that there are some other and more suitable natural ways to live as well - next to the nature. Specially in Africa. Based on twelve years experience on Finnish government both sides -as a government official and a member of public- I do not recommend this state to any intellectual person unless coming from the right family, or having a foreign state official relative connections between Finland. If someone from your family is married to a Finn working in the Foreign Ministry, then you may have a change to survive - I’m sure they can hire to into some company by pulling some strings. Most Finnish intellectuals ‘not suitable for government purpose’ must have been pensioned, but not sooner than government has pulled every nasty trick to these people. Some of dissidents have been written a ‘Russia Schitzophrenia’ diagnose to silent them. Some dissidents are blamed of being psychopaths, simply because less talented people were trying to analyse more intelligent victims on intellectual or political bases. Finland’s formula is simply to tear everything out from non Russian or socialist people, play with them by using the government police and layers and finally pension these people. What can I say? Part of the layers can not even read and some policemen can’t understand what you are explaining to them. To any intellectual and normal bloke Finland stinks either to a mental demented people or communism. A souvenir state called Finland is much like Japan, when it come down to its internal policy. It is interesting to find out what happens, when a blue collar socialist Prime Minister owns too much compared to hand capitalists? Could the nation only be as badly corrupted as, and Russian’s vassal state; in USA they found -was it in the 60’s(?)-, that their trade union bossed was bribed, but we have no one to check it. - And if the only thing meaning to people something is a red shirt, then I think democracy has moved into dictatorship called Marxism. If I were to seek some other state close to Finland I’d say France is also quite similar to Finland. At least if I were to believe in our ‘Ethics and moral’ -lecture given by one of our university professor, who told a French European Community judge having spend 30 million our European taxpayers money on his lovers apartment. After this refreshing lecture I decided not to pay taxes and instead of paying French judge’s lover apartment paying mine. Finnish society work like Socialist France and every socialist is basically a dishonest communist. State of Finland have far too many things informed on a false bases. Some of these have been presented on lecture material under ISBN 951-98052-3-0. This lecture publication down-drills to layers and police education. In this 189 pages presentation material approximately 70 pages are handling the Police and Enforcement Act, and 110 pages are analyses related to Police and Layer patterns and these people’s systematic way of braking the law. - When China praised the Finnish Police Law, they meant it would had been suitable also to China, since it left no human rights to Finnish citizen. Anyone claiming other is a liar, even he or she would explain us to have more Acts, since Police and Enforcement Acts are prima to follow and there really are no other laws these people follow. Finland is like USA’s prison camp in Cuba; theoretically we have human and legal rights, but in practise government do anything they like to us from medical and chemical treatments to medical military surgeries(*). Practically Finland -like USA- ‘has not signed a contract’ preventing people of being tortured (**), but at least in USA they bear the right to carry arm. Formulas and methods used against Finnish civilians are partly exact copies from Soviet Union and they serve both rotten layers and police machinery. World has come into a turning point, were you no longer can be sure do the medically treated greens come from USA, Russia or Finland. But not to worry, since its the same situation almost all over the world. State’s current situation can best be described by referring to an investment. In any other nation people show how much they could on state by purchasing government bonds - if you meet any Finnish bonds, please let them know. State is so poor, that it can not afford to pay few million ecus compensation for caused damage… Finland’s state ruling is far too huge and complex to put in shot for this article. Thus I end this short summary here by quoting Mel Brooks, who simply said it strait - “Life stinks!”. * CCHR; Psykiatria suorittaa petosta; FLO-13781; p. 26, CIA’s medical experiment on Xxxxxx and LSD ** Aamulehti 7/25/2002; USA not signing the contract against torturing |
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