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 | "The land of the free" | 28.07.2002 20:19
White, male, racist, zionist etc..
| Osama was slechts drogreden. | 31.07.2002 18:07
"... the countries which collaborated to create the Taliban, training and financing the forces of Osama bin Laden, and which have never stopped pouring money into the Taliban - namely Pakistan...Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and the United States itself - have not been placed on the 'we've got to get them' list. Instead these states are touted as core allies in the New World War against terrorism." - "Why Washington Wants Afghanistan" at http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/afghan.htm Website: http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/afghan.htm | Het is tenslotte warm | Wilbert van Leijen - 31.07.2002 18:39
Yoda zegt: Warm weer tot meer drinken leiden! Meer drinken leidt tot vage teksten! "Sommige passages werden gecensureerd bij sommige uitgevers" Drinken ook tot gezeik leiden! "White, male, racist, zionist etc.." Yoda veel warmte in de lucht voelen.
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