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zomerstop? amahoela! redactie battl.nl - 30.07.2002 11:54
Het mag dan wel zomer zijn, de redactie van battl.nl blijft haar site aanvullen met artikelen uit de duizenden kranten, tijdschriften en webzines die in ons land meestal aan de aandacht ontsnappen. Recentelijk toegevoegd aan battl.nl: - - - Dossier Post 11-9 - - - How to Win the War on Terrorism by Ted Rall Finnish List of FBI Terrorist Suspects by Cryptome Dictatorship at your Doorstep Why "Anti-Terrorism" Laws Threaten You by James R. Elwood & Jarret B. Wollstein 'Al Qaeda' influence grows in Iraq by Jim Muir 4000 Britons trained at terror camps in Afghanistan: paper Xinhua News Agency Yemeni Fugitive Was Critical To Unfolding of Sept. 11 Plot by Peter Finn In Tough Times, a Company Finds Profits in Terror War by Jeff Gerth and Don van Natta Jr. The Anthrax Files by Nicholas D. Kristof Zbigniew Brzezinsk Interview (1998) by Le Nouvel Observateur - - - Dossier Middle East - - - Survey: Majority of settlers would evacuate by Nadav Shragai The Growing Hardships of Traveling in the West Bank by poica.org The History of Anti-Palestinian Bias from Wilson to Bush by Kathleen Christison Palestinian Women Struggle to Redefine Roles in Intifada by Farnaz Fassihi The case against Iraq by Walid M. Sadi, Jordan Times When is Terrorism not Defined as Terrorism? by Salam al-Marayati Questions On Israel by Noam Chomsky Israel: Cuts in Child Allowance Discriminate Human Rights Watch - - - Dossier Economy - - - 'Corporate Socialism' by Ralph Nader Bush's role in corporate fraud by Bill Black, James Galbraith Don't blame Bubba by Gloria Borger Cheney's Grimy Trail in Business by Robert Scheer Faith-Based Capitalism's Plunge Into the Market Abyss by Pierre Tristam UN forum in Beirut hears call for science and technology ‘renaissance’ in Arab States by UN News Centre Securities and Exchange Commission Documents Center for Public Integrity Bush's Record on Corporate Ethics by Robert Kuttner Mondo Washington by James Ridgeway Corporate Scandal Fact Sheet by Citizen Works God the Capitalist by John Stanton, Wayne Madsen - - - Dossier Africa - - - Clinton: Pardon Me, Africa by David Corn Africa's missing state by Greg Mills and Tim Hughes Newsman faces up to Mugabe's media crackdown b yIndependent Online Security Council preparing statement on DR of Congo, President says by UN News Centre Nigeria on the Fence by Meghan Armistead Die-hard cops tried to kill Madiba on day one by Tony Weaver The crisis of Angola's internally displaced continues by Human Rights Watch (pdf) Thousands infected in Kenyan malaria outbreak by Independent Online The war within the war Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls in Eastern Congo by Human Rights Watch - - - Dossier Miscellaneous - - - Proposal on screening of all immigrants by Statewatch analysis Ideologues All in a Row by L.A. Times RAVE Act: RIP Live Electronic Music by Kuro5hin New Russian law shuts down opposition by Fred Weir Nightmare scenario of antibiotic resistance has arrived, experts say by Helen Branswell Ashcroft's Song by Bruce Shapiro Comverse Infosys and its products by Anonymous Sixth Report on Inadvertent Releases of Restricted Data DOE/SO-70-0006 Star Wars: Russia's Reaction Report for Congress by Amy F. Woolf The 'Gate-less Community by Joshua Green Who trusts Microsoft's Palladium? Not me by Matt Loney Is Microsoft's Palladium a Trojan Horse? by Brian Morrissey Hopelijk tot ziens op battl.nl! P.S. Heb je onze startpagina al gezien? Zeer handig voor (indy)mediajunkies! E-Mail: doofpot@battl.nl Website: http://battl.nl |
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