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spartacus 1 TO ALL ANARCHISTS OF THE WORLD - 12.08.2002 20:57
THE START OF THE REVOLUTION TO ANARCHISTS ALL OVER THE WORLD To write things that will last to eternity – To help humanity overcome its barbarity. By telling the people only the truth and honestly explain things as they really are. To develop consciousness to its highest levels and offer it to humanity to be used for its liberation from capitalism and its history. To my anarchic friends all over the world lets unite and together cause the social revolution. The more real anarchists there are, the sooner the revolution will be achieved. Anarchy is for all, one day everyone would wont anarchy, because it will directly improve his/her life. People are good and need direction and knowledge. We as anarchists must provide this to them. Not leaders but as friends, not as dictators but as associates. Capitalism distorts life therefor distort capitalism. A SONG OF LIBERATION We know what has to be done A revolution on the horizon The future will show us the way And freedom will come to stay No one can stop us now Beware here we come With justice and happiness for all Where no man or woman will ever obey or crawl To create a deferent world Where human life is much more important than gold Never will we return to a past of slavery and pain Never will we let our freedom be stolen again HERE COME THE FUTURE HERE COME THE REVOLUTION HERE COME LIBERATION HERE COME ANARCHY E-Mail: freemass@37.com Website: http://www.arna/active |
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