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Meer over Irak en protesten VS-burgers Verite - 13.08.2002 10:20
zaterdag 26 oktober organiseren een groot aantal organisaties in de VS protesten tegen de politiek van het Bush regime SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26: Internationally Coordinated Day of Mass Actions On Saturday, October 26, 2002, the first anniversary of the signing of the so-called Patriot Act bill, anti-war and civil rights forces are joining together to launch a massive international mobilization in opposition to a new war against the people of Iraq. The A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition is calling on organizers from campuses and communities around the U.S. and the world to hold picket-lines, rallies, vigils, teach-ins and more in their local areas on this day. *************** 1) ENDORSE the October 26 Internationally Coordinated Day of Mass Actions: Email dc@internationalanswer.org to add your/your organizations name today! 2) ORGANIZE AN ACTION in your city or town: Email
dc@internationalanswer.org with details, and join the growing list of cities from around the U.S. and internationally! *************** During the 1991 Gulf War, 100,000-200,000 Iraqis were killed as U.S./UN bombers dropped more than 88,500 tons of explosives on Iraq during that 42-day assault. In the years since, more than 1.5 million Iraqi civilians have perished as a consequence of malnutrition and disease caused by economic sanctions. People in the United States and everywhere have an obligation to stop the Bush administration's mad drive to launch a new, all-out military aggression against Iraq. The Bush administration has no right to wage war against a country that is posing no threat to the United States. Disregarding all international law, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and company are planning to send tens of thousands of young GIs to kill and be killed in a war for Big Oil. We call for civilians and soldiers alike to exercise their political right to speak out against an illegal war that will benefit only Exxon/Mobil, Texaco, Chase, Citibank, Raytheon, Lockheed, Boeing and George Bush's corporate backers who are his real constituents. While world public opinion is decidedly against Bush's war drive, it will take a mass peoples' movement--in the streets, workplaces, communities, campuses and high schools--to stop the coming war. *************** HOW TO GET INVOLVED: 1) ENDORSE the October 26 Internationally Coordinated Day of Mass Actions: Email dc@internationalanswer.org to add your/your organizations name today! 2) CALL AN ACTION in your city or town: Email
dc@internationalanswer.org with details, and join the growing list of cities from around the U.S. and internationally! 3) If you would like SPEAKERS on the history of the U.S./Iraq conflict at your high school, college, union, or community center, email dc@internationalanswer.org ----------------- *BACKGROUND INFORMATION on U.S. plans for a new war against Iraq:
http://www.internationalanswer.org/news/update/071102iraq.html *A CALL TO THE ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT: Stop the war on Iraq before it starts:
http://www.internationalanswer.org/news/update/072402call.html *SAVE THE DATE! January 18, 2003, National March on the White House in Washington DC FOR MORE INFORMATION:
dc@internationalanswer.org New York 212-633-6646 Washington 202-332-5757 Chicago 773-878-0166 San Francisco 415-821-6545 International A.N.S.W.E.R. Act Now to Stop War & End Racism
http://www.InternationalANSWER.org ------------------ Send replies to answer@action-mail.org |
Lees meer over: wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | I do not agree with the dutch government! | David Verwer - 07.09.2002 16:39
Why to start a new useless war in Iraq? Ok, Iraq is not helding itself towards the UN conventions bla bla... But what about the US? As far as I know, they 've the most dangerous wheapons in the world. So they want to learn Iraq and the world a kind of lesson? And shouldn't we think about a more constructive solution? I mean, to start a war (England and the US have started there first atack yesterday in the west of Iraq...) is just destructive and I guess it will make Saddam only stronger in his country. My suggestion would be: supporting the important opposition of this dry, pour and hungry country. This might give them a better future in the long term and this region is not at all getting more stable with this attacks. These US / UK activities are just not understandable... Is there someone who could explane? Please... Wisdom to the world! David | |
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