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Hoe de IND de gewone mens naar de klote helpt Michel Claudius - 22.08.2002 13:21
Aktie tegen de IND Dear people, by this website i would like to show you how the government in Holland thinks about human rights because here the government has many stories about democracy and freedom and they say that we need to stop terrorism but aren't they the same ? The following thing happened to me. On the 31 May of last year i got married with a woman from Mexico, who i knew before that time already 5 years. We married each other in Mazatlan (Mexico) and decided that we wanted to build up a future in Holland. We fixed the papers in Mazatlan and sent the whole packet to the Dutch Embassy which is situated in Mexico-City. One week later i received a message from the Dutch Embassy that all the documents for immigration of my wife arrived in good condition and that it should take about 3 months until i should receive an invitation from the foreign police in Arnhem but after 4 months i still had not receive anything and i decided to call the foreign police and they told me that i had to be patient because i would receive an invitation automatically when the time was there. The weeks were passing and passing and i received everything, except an invitation from the foreign police, so i decided to call again and this time they told me that they had not received anything about my wife and that i had to contact the ministry of foreign affairs what i did. There they could not find anything which meant that all the documents we fixed were gone in nothing but after all it seems that all the documents of foreign people which arrive in Holland will not be registred, a strange thing because normally they also know how to find you if you need to pay tax. With this knowledge that the documents were gone i contacted the Dutch Embassy in Mexico-City to ask them for the code of the packet in which the documents were shipped to Holland but they could not give me that because it seems that the documents will be picked up by a special courier. They told me that i had to contact the IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Service) in Zwolle to find out what i could do. I tell you the truth that the only one who tried to help me a little was a sure miss Sandra H. and she was able to make an appointment for me somehow with the foreign police in Arnhem where i should be helped by a sir Wim J. I went there and in a few second this person told me that the immigration of my own wife would be denied and the reason he gave me was that i had not my company for 1,5 year which was a rule and i said to Wim J., mister, in this life there is no sureness, there are people who have a company for 10 years and go bankroot and he said that this are the rules and after that he told me that the best thing i could do is to get a yearcontract somewhere and if i should get fired after 1 year by economical recession than she could stay, so if i take advantage of moneysupport she can stay, that is what he told me actually. I understand exactly why the economies go down because people who try to build something up get attacked by the Government but if you make problems and disease the atmosphere you get everything done because that is what is going on in this country. I asked Wim J. about what was the solution of that the they lost all our papers because that mistake they never ended in a good way but he could do nothing he said, so the famous i dont know ,you need to ask him or her. On the end of this stupid conversation he told me that it was a duty to registre my marriage with the Government of Zevenaar (the place were i live) and that is strange, my wife may not come in but they order me to registre it, strange eh ? Well anyway the next day i went to the Government to registre the marriage but a Miss Z. told me that she could not registre the marriage because the Apostille was not standing fully on the paper which meant that we had no others and that also that documents are gone because when we fixed it in Mexico everything was ok and since the documents were gone it became one big mess. The Government of Zevenaar told me that i had to make new translations otherwise they could not registre it. The new translations cost me 450 guilders, about 225 Euro which cost me extra money for the mistakes they made because they lost all our documents not we. A few months later i received the message from the IND that the request for immigration of my wife was denied, so i put a complaint against this because they made so many mistakes which they never fixed in a good way and now that. I wrote the queen, Peter Storms, The Ombudsman (an office who tries to erase misunderstandings and powerabusement), Kok of the PVDA and the most responsible Korthals Altes of the VVD and all they could not help me and Korthals did not even had the politeness to answer my letter or to investigate it which i blame him forever. The IND invited me but after all i wonder why i went there because they did not listen or did not care about the mistakes they made, this are the rules and that is it which is a big example of a impolite mentality. The person who treat me there was Sir Dolen and with this person you could not make any conversation because he never listened but only said what the rules are and the rest was not important to him. A little before that time i had a telephone call with the manager of the IND Zwolle, sir R. and he told me that i had to send all the documents to Wim J. of the foreign police Arnhem and to him and this happened over 3 months ago and i still did not hear anything, so i informed 2 days ago and it seems that Wim J. has not even sent the documents to the IND and this is really unbelievable and i am really angry and my opinion is that it is time for action. By this website i also search for people who are in the same situation as i am, people who just want a normal life with a partner from another country but always have to do with this bureaucratic rules and barricades of these kind of persons because for me it are nothing more than criminals and it is time that we do something against them because this must stop. They name words like democracy and freedom but actually it is a big lie to hide themselves behind it and they always barricade people who want to build up a normal future without any problems. I also became shareholder of another company which excist 11 years now but my wife still cannot come in because they say that the time will count from my situation, so if i am shareholder of 1,5 year than she come while on the other hand there is a big group who abuses every law and they get done everything but if you work you are a criminal in Holland and whole the world may know that. The persons i see a quilty for my problem are: Ministre Korthals Altes (VVD) Ex Ministre Wim Kok (PVDA) Sir R. (Manager of the IND Zwolle) Sir Wim J. (Foreign Police Arnhem) Sir D. (IND Zwolle) The only person who did her best was Miss Sandra H. (worker of the IND Zwolle) I hope that this message will be publiced and that there is a possibility to make a group with people in the same situation so that we can put pressure on the government and IND. Alone they will laugh at me but if we have enough people they need to listen to us. We are Dutch and need to have the right to get our partner here and if this is not possible that it means crime against humanity and damage of civilian rights. I hope to hear from you people. Michel E-Mail: schorpioen1972@hotmail.com |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | New Apartheid | Perantau - 22.08.2002 19:56
The Dutch government also tried to ruin our marriage, between me ,a Dutchman and my wife who originates from our former colony Indonesia,during a period of almost four years, before my wife finally obtained a residence permit. The present Dutch policies aim at discouraging Dutch citizens from getting involved in marriage or another intimate relationship with a non-western partner. It is indeed hard to believe, that in a ""democratic"" state like The Netherlands this policies have been maintained since 1994 with full support of all political parties represented in parliament. I hope many other victims of these policies, that are mainly based upon xenofobia and racist prejudices will unite in strong opposition against this injustice ,that will also draw international attention and criticism.
| frustratie | Johndoe - 23.08.2002 11:00
I understand that you are frustrated and all, but... Like it's easy to manage an immigration policy by any country. And what do you expect from ministers and the queen to individualy examine every inhabitant of that country...they have lives to you know Be glad there are rules without them the world would be complete chaos, but hey that's only my opinion right! Good luck and i hope everything works out for you.
| Discrimination frustrates,not rules | Perantau - 23.08.2002 18:49
Of course rules must be accepted in any civilized society, but it is hardly acceptable ,when some categories are exempted from this severe rules and others are not. An (economic)refugee or former war criminal from Afghanistan for instance enjoys a full right of family reunion in the Netherlands. Also all citizens of any other EU-country,for instance a French citizen with his Vietnamese wife do not suffer any restriction on the basis of income etc,whereas a Dutch citizen MUST have a labour contract WITHOUT limitation of time and MUST earn at least about 1200 EURO per month and even this will be raised up to 1500 EURO per month. So a Dutch citizen is good enough to pay high tax in order to solve the integration problems of other groups of foreigners but he himself is highly limited in his basic human right to choose a partner of his own free will and in some cases totally excluded from this right,even in cases of a fully legalized marriage. Many Dutch people who got trapped in this situation have emigrated to other EU-countries that still respect the private life of its citizens or to the country of origin of his or her partner. Among them are also many well educated people who can make an important contribution to the Dutch ""aging""economy, but they have to leave or will not return from abroad. Some DutchICT specialists for instance already have decided not to return to their homeland, beacause they cannot show a Dutch labour contract that meets the draconic requirements of the Dutch government. So because they cannot bring their foreign partners here ,they stay away. Eventually this country will be forced to import many labourers from abroad tot keep this country, with its aging population ,running. Only because some specific small groups of foreigners face heavy problems to integrate succesfully, immigration in general is drastically limited, also of those newcomers who are desperately needed. This policy will finally show itself contraproductive and stupid.
| exposing het polderparadijsje | expat - 27.08.2002 10:48
If we heard a story that a country with a military dictatorship tried to stop its own citizens moving "back home" with a spouse from another country, we would call it a right-wing attempt to "purify the race" of the country. However, one is not supposed to say that of the Netherlands. No, even "alternative" minded people are reluctant to break the illusion that the Netherlands is a "polder paradise", a pillar of freedom, equality and justice. For more stories from expats see:
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