Bush behind 911? Mark Metzelaar - 30.08.2002 13:20
A lot of clues and coincidences point towards Bush government involvement, at least major knowledge, in the september attacks. About the Time "special report" on this issue and the Anthrax suspect. Part one was completely removed from listings, but next day could be found in the “non-news”listing:
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2002/08/6082.shtml Redaction Indymedia: please leave this link and article intact, I think this has quite valuable information and doesn’t break your rules. Thanks. Part II Extract and conclusions from Time special report “The Secret History”, August 12th 2002. & News about the Anthrax-suspect. Time: N.S.A.; National Security Advisors, 1st week of Januari 2001: Sandy Berger (this is a man) is willing to make a smooth transition from the Clinton to the Bush administration, only one meeting at the White House is attended by him. To his successor Condoleeze Rice (woman) and deputy Stephen Hadley: “I believe that the Bush administration will spend more time on terrorism generally, and on Al-Qaeda specifically, than any other subject”. Chair of the interagency Counter Terrorism Security Group, C.S.G., Richard Clarke Since October 12th 2000 (USS Cole attack) obsessive with a plan attacking Al-Qaeda. Plan presented to Berger and other N.S. principals on December 20th. This plan was shelved, because inappropiate: “We would be handing a war (to the Bush administration) when they took office on Januari 20th. Now responsibility for this plan for the Rice-team. Most of the present anti-terror actions from the Bush administration are from this original plan. The Bush administration wanted to go further: to completely eliminate Al Qaeda and not only US-military fighting them and supporting their enemies, getting them into defense and blocking their financial possibilities. This gave a long delay in actions, because of waiting till the new plan was presented. Also, no money was provided by the Bush administration; several hundreds of million dollars. This couldn’t be taken from the SDI-budget, so nothing happened. Mark: Or could waiting be part of Bush new plan? Why no money available now and no actions immediately? Why would there be more money for Bush bigger plan to eliminate them and no money for this? Waiting, while the plan contains most of the present anti Al Qaeda actions? Except for the elimination part and support from all the nations and US-population and Congress that Bush got only because of the Sept. 11th attack? How could there be such a high level plan, without thinking about how to achieve the goals? How to get support to get into those (Moslem and other) countries with permission from all those countries? This high-level plan would be a paper of shit, if it didn’t contain a plan about how to achieve all this support? For getting support for the ‘total war’ plan, another plan was needed. So did the Bush administration make this plan? Let’s say the: “Let them attack and let’s put some oil on the fire, to get all the support we need for our plan”? The let them attack, oil and get support plan? A lot of clues point in that direction, but coincidence exists, even statistically almost impossible. Take all the facts together; they all point in THIS (the support-plan) direction. For example: The domestic anthrax attacks on Democrats to get their support; how could they know Sept. 11th was going to happen? Pure coincidence? O.K. This was enough for now, the rest of the extract follows very soon. One thing: They new something big was going on with big airplanes and probably or possibly on American soil. But now for some recent news about the Anthrax attacks. From the Dutch newspaper “De Telegraaf” August 29th, so I have to retranslate this in English again: Only half of the Americans believe that Steven Hatfill is guilty about the Anthrax attacks. Biochemist and specialized in how to defense against biochemical warfare at the military lab from Fort Detrick. [Mark: according to info I received January in the US, this is a CIA-laboratory] John Ashcroft of Justice [Mark: the same guy that new about terrorism with airplanes and forbid his people to take the plane, before 911], tries to give him all the blame. The New York Times wrote that he failed for three subsequent lie-detector tests. According to Steven Hatfill, he only had one test and the FBI told him he passed the test. He wants them to test his blood, so they can find out he was never vaccinated against Anthrax, or got into contact with Anthrax. But Hatfill made (in the 90-ties) a manuscript about a terrorist that attacks the Congres [Mark: probably this was also known by his superiors, the CIA, for a long time] He also warned his superiors [Mark: that means or includes CIA officials, going all the way up] about the threat terrorist would sent anthrax by letter. Furthermore, the FBI discovered that he cooperated with the Rhodesia special elite force of their army, while living in Greendale, near Harare. According to rumors, the army spread anthrax under the black population. [… Mark: Rumors in Africa; you’ve probably heard a lot of false and halve false of them. And how does the FBI get information from Africa? Isn’t this more the field where the CIA normally operates? Didn’t the CIA pass this info to the FBI? …] But the Anthrax letters had as sender written: “Greendale School”. Mark: Yes, that refers to this guy. But who know about this? CIA knows. Perhaps some people in Rhodesia know. Maybe Al-Qaeda got to know if they are present in that country. Its says “…School”. That means people who learned from the Greendale issue. But the best way to do the attacks is by putting them into an air-input of a big building: lot of contamination’s and people killed. Bin Laden knows. CIA knows. CIA also knows their former plans of making minor terror attacks themselves on American soil. This was to get the public ready for a war against Cuba. www.infowars.com (now without /resources.html, but the full conspiracy theory) And why this happened around 911, one letter even send before 911? Why especially towards Democrats? And why these days, just before the war against Iraq starts, Al Gore receives such a letter? Al-Qaeda involvement is very unlikely. Yes, maybe this guy did it. He formed a team, a school, as ordered by his boss, the CIA. But why would the CIA leave tracks and say Greendale School? He is the perfect black sheep. He probably doesn’t know anything about the case, but they just stole his idea’s. And the info from Rhodesia (nothing special; a lot of former and present Nazi’s work for CIA), combined with his strange profile about writing books about this issue (you know: the writer that does the same as in his books to get attention)… The CIA knew all this info for a long time. He was the ideal person to give the full blame. Probably the Anthrax did come from the military lab in Fort Detrick. The easiest way for the CIA to get the Anthrax, because this is their lab! Final part with the rest of the Time article and clues towards Bush involvement 911, follows within a few days. E-Mail: mailing_mark@yahoo.com |