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A Global French Revolution Is Coming 01.09.2002 18:04
An Open Letter to the Johanesburg Conference on Sustaining the Empire. A Global French Revolution Is Coming, And We're The Aristocrats. An Open Letter to the Johanesburg Conference on Sustaining the Empire. By Lloyd Hart While the right wing in the first world prepares fortress mentalities and military resource grab adventures under the guise of the war on terrorism the left wing is finally getting a grasp of what is really going down. Right wing politicians and their military allies are very aware of the state of the fragile globe we reside on. The recent attempts in Canada, Bolivia, Argentina and else where to take control of vast fresh water supplies indicate a profound knowledge of the scarcity and rapidly dwindling supplies of potable water around the world. The CIA has been keeping a close eye on this situation which has translated directly into the World Bank and IMF policy of the privatization of all Third World Nation's assets and most particularly the fresh water supply. Add to this diabolical recolonialization of the Third World's Nation's resources the knowledge that the World Food Supply is collapsing in direct correlation to the collapse of the fresh water supplies (which is a direct result of another Great White Resource Grab, the mowing down of the Great Moisture Regulator, the world's Forests. It has been estimated that 50% of the world's forest have been knocked down since we switched from hemp, cotton, flax and other agriculture products to using wood fiber for our production of paper.) and you will be guaranteed to get a reaction from the Joint Chiefs that will inevitably lead to the politicians dancing to the bullets being fired at their feet. Many are arguing that population growth is the main problem facing us and the dwindling food and water supplies, so if large amounts of people perish via starvation and disease, well that's survival of the fittest isn't it? But imagine if you will, that had we not slaughtered the forests the way we have, would aerosol particulate and carbon dioxide the two main culperates of global warming have had as great an impact on the weather systems as they have had, bringing an unprecedented pattern of massive floods, droughts and radical atmospheric and oceanic temperature shifts. As a matter of scientific fact, moisture draws moisture electro-magnetically to it self and therefore the forests draw moisture from the sea through Mother Earth's great desalination system, the atmospheric convections, insuring a steady fresh water supply for the life on the continents that requires it . However today we have quite the opposite occurring, the fresh water supply is headed in the other direction faster than it should and in very large amounts back to the sea as a direct result of the lack of forest holding it on the land. Population is definitely a factor today and some would argue that the very moisture being removed from the forest is being stored in an ever increasing amount of human bodies, but would human population have grown if we maintained our forests through conscious policy making. Wouldn't that same conscious policy making have extended to propagation of our species. Would we be so ever ready to maintain vast military armies to invade weaker nation's lands inorder to rape and pillage as we have so often done right up into present history. The fact is our present global condition is as a result of and based squarely in a policy developed by an empire who's central operating principal springs from the word's that corrupt old men wrote down and then claimed to be from the lips of God "Man Has Dominion Over Earth" and therefore what man does with the earth is ordained by God. Almost all other religions disagree with this Christian Imperialist doctrine but the Christian Imperialists have shown throughout their history a much greater compulsion to use violence as a means to an ends, total global dominance. It was these same old corrupt Christian Imperialist men pretending to be God that also set in motion the policy that the world needed the salvation that the gospel offered and because the world was mostly heathen the Christian Empire would set out to convert these heathens and most importantly their lands and labor into the fold of an empire better suited to look after these poor souls interests, their entrance into heaven. But as with all empires before the Christians, the ability to remain in control begins to wane when it becomes crystal clear that only the white Euro-American populations will benefit from the toils of the brown people brought into service to the empire by the incredible violence it has continually used directly or through it's proxies. Today the world out side the Christian Empire's inner sanctum of Europe and America is beginning to throw off its shackles and rise up in ever more self sacrificing expressions of the defiance towards the empire. The people of Cochabamba, Bolivia chasing Bechtel Corp. out of the country after Bechtel attempted to control and then extract grotesque profits from the people's water supply. The IMF and World Bank Riots through out the world. The people of Venezuela halting of the US sponsored coup de tat that temporarily removed the democratically elected president Hugo Chavez. The aggressive stand off between the Mexican Government and Peasant Indian Farmers that finally had the government back off from direct confrontation while conceding defeat. From Indonesia to Argentina the people are realizing that if you are going to prematurely die of starvation or disease any way you might as well fight back against an empire that is attempting to control every aspect of every ones lives by claiming that the very food and water that nature provides free of charge to all life on this planet no longer belongs to the very creature and people that harvested it. Our survival and in fact the survival of all life on this planet does not nessassarilly depend on how the Christian Imperialists react to this full steam ahead revolution and of course we have been given a fine example of the Empire's immediate reaction. The theft of US presidential election in 2000. The Reichstag style attacks on the world trade center and pentagon in 2001leading to the war on terrorism which is just an attempt to consolidate control of the strategic oil supply. The anthrax attack on the liberal press and liberal US Senators leading to the junking of the constitution through the Patriot Act in 2001 and the Homeland Security act in 2002 (?) in order to control dissent at home. In the end though, the Christian Empire does not have a willing population or military ordnance conventional, nuclear, chemical or biological to hold back this revolution and will lose. The fate of the Christian Empires population will how ever hang in the balance especially with the middle class and the wealthy. As with the French Revolution will we see retribution? I suggest yes. But once again the out come is completely up to the Christian Empires' leaders. Will they choose to fight tooth and nail or will they give up the economic, political, military strangle hold on the weaker nations. With Chancellor Schroder of Germany calling the invasion of Iraq an "Adventure" which is diplomatic speak for immoral aggression and Britain's Foreign Minister stating that he "could not see Britain joining the US in an invasion of Iraq" we are beginning to see a split in the resolve to continue down the same old brutal path we have been on for so torturingly long. But once again this resolve could change now that a radical right wing CIA and Military have been unleashed upon the world. Europe's elections could be flipped just like that flap jack in florida was, bringing Europe into line. And of course as I keep on saying once the Bush Crime Family is backed into a corner will they then let off a suite case nuke in New York and then roll the tanks into the streets using the 51,000,000 radical right wing evangelical christians to sweep across the land What it really boils down to, I guess for us first worlders is curbing our military and our politicians by joining the Global French Revolution and instituting a Global Bio Diverse Tree Planting Campaign with the labor to be supplied by White Christian Imperialists who will no longer have jobs in air conditioned sky scrapers. What better reeducation camp could there be than being out in the wilderness tree planting. I would be very glad to spend the rest of life tree planting. How Bout You! E-Mail: dadapop@dadapop.com Website: http://dadapop.com |
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