One year of US state terrorism- STOP THE WAR! Chenge The World Youth Movement - 05.09.2002 02:18
afghanistan, venezuela, colombia, philippines, nepal, Iraq... 11 sept: one year of US state terrorism - STOP THE WAR !  En] Afghanistan, Venezuela, Colombia, Philippines, Nepal, Iraq... one year of US state terrorism - STOP THE WAR We invite everyone for the demonstration against one year of US state terrorism, on september 11 at 03.00 p.m. in front of the US Embassy (Brussels) _____________________________________________ [Nl] Afghanistan, Irak, Palestina, Colombia, Filipijnen, Venezuela, Nepal,... Een jaar VS terrorisme – STOP de oorlog! De Chénge The World Youth Movement roept iedereen (individuen, organisaties enzovoort) op om op 11 september om 15u te verzamelen voor de Amerikaanse ambassade in Brussel. E-Mail: Website: |