United in Struggle! Proletariër - 13.09.2002 22:26
Vrijdag 13 september 2002.  Irak - Baghdad, 13 september 2002.  Syrië - Damascus, 13 september 2002.  Indonesië - Jakarta, 13 september 2002.  Bangla Desh - Dhaka, 13 september 2002.  Palestina - Tafouh, 13 september 2002.  Verenigde Staten - New York, 12 september 2002. 13 September 2002: Iraqis pray during Friday prayers outside Abdul Kader mosque in Baghdad as prominent Iraqi Muslim clergyman, Abdul Razzaq al-Saadi, said 'All Muslims should stand against oppression and aggression coming from America and Britain. The world starts to realize that America wants to impose its hegemony on the world.' 13 September 2002: Syrian protesters at a US-sponsored public rock concert at Tshrin garden in Damascus chant 'Stop the drums of war so we can hear your music.' 13 September 2002: An Indonesian policeman stops a student dragging an effigy of US President George W Bush during an anti-war protest outside the US embassy in Jakarta. 13 September 2002: Islamic activists protest against the Arab League and Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) 's support of American policy against the Muslim world, condemning a US threat to Iraq, in Dhaka. 13 September 2002: Palestinian boys throw stones at Israeli soldiers after the army arrested a local Fatah activist in the village of Tafouh near the West Bank town of Hebron. 12 September 2002: Musician, songwriter, poet and activist, Patti Smith, speaks to a crowd of anti-war protesters gathered near the UN in New York. |