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anti-union laws in Indonesia mediawatcher - 14.09.2002 16:17
The Indonesian Government are trying to introduce a series of anti-union laws that will severely restrict workers' ability to fight back against sweatshop bosses. The proposed laws have met with a huge campaign from the trade unions and in response the Government has cranked uprepression and reprisals against worker activists.They need your help. You can write a letter of protest to the Indonesian Embassy, 38 Grosvenor Square, London W1K 2HW / fax 020 7491 4993, and to Megawati Sukarno Putri, President of the Republic of Indonesia - fax +62 211 345 2685. You can also join us on a picket of the Indonesian Embassy in the UK on Tue Sep 17 at 4.30pm (Bond St tube). For more details call mark on 07931 319 685. Nike Fun Run Fun - No to Nike Naked Greed Meet up at Barnes Train Station (U.K.) at 9am on Sun Sep 22 for some fun direct action at the run. We need as many people as possible to maximise the impact we can make, bring your mobile and leave your inhibitions at home. Our contact numbers on the day will be 07904 431 959 or 07979 046 219. For more details call Mark on 07931 319 685 or Gary on 07979 046 219. European Social Forum Coach Details We have a coach leaving from central London on Thursday November 6 and getting back early on the Monday morning.In between we will be going to Florence, where we will be hosing a meeting with other anti-sweatshop campaigners from across Europe and Dita Sari from the FNPBI union federation in Indonesia. Tickets cost 75 pounds waged, 60 unwaged / students / first batch available for special price of just 55 pounds - so get 'em early. Make cheques out to No Sweat and send to the usual address below. For more details / a batch of leaflets call Mark on 07931 319 685. TUC The TUC conference kicks off next week in Blackpool. If you can help out leafleting on Monday 9th, call another Mark on 07752 525 941. No Sweat, PO Box 36707, London SW9 8YA. 07904 431 959. www.nosweat.org.uk admin@nosweat.org.uk Website: http://www.nosweat.org.uk |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | |