West Papua Vigil Held at Dutch Embassy West Papua Action - 15.09.2002 15:14
A vigil was held outside the Dutch Embassy on 15 September. The Netherlands signed an Agreement with Indonesia which led to the take-over of West Papua. The Agreement said there would be an independence referendum. It never happened. 10 per cent of West Papuans have since been killed. 15 September 2002 West Papua Vigil Held at Dutch Embassy A vigil was held outside the Netherlands Embassy from 12.00pm to 1.00pm on Sunday, 15 September 2002. This follows from sit-down protest and vigil on August 15th: see: http://westpapuaaction.buz.org for pictures and reports. "The Netherlands signed an agreement with Indonesia at the United Nations which said the West Papuan people would get a chance to vote for independence. It never happened, and the Netherlands did nothing. They continue to sit on their hands," said West Papua Action coordinator, Mark Doris. “It is time for the Netherlands to call publicly as a matter of urgency for a proper act of self-determination in West Papua in accordance with international practice as they agreed to at the UN 40 years ago on August 15, 1962.” Placards displayed included "West Papua Betrayed", "Dutch Courage?", "100,000 murdered", "Free West Papua" and "West Papua Sold Out". The West Papuan people continue to suffer the consequences of silence with at least 100,000 deaths at the hands of the Indonesian military since 1963, after the Netherlands left. Non-violent leader Theys Eluay was strangled last November. Highlands leader Yefeth Yelemaken was poisoned in June. For further information, contact: Mark Doris, West Papua Action, *353 (0) 87 2969742. ends West Papua Action 134 Phibsborough Road Dublin 7 Ireland Tel. *353 (0)1 882 7563 / 882 7581 Fax. *353 (0)1 882 7576 Mobile *353 (0)87 2969742 Email. wpaction@iol.ie
http://westpapuaaction.buz.org ++++++++++++++++++++++++ for human rights in West Papua including the right to self-determination ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ E-Mail: wpaction@iol.ie Website: http://westpapuaaction.buz.org |