The TRANSPORT COMPUTER GreenAcres - 16.09.2002 14:01
Transport Computer I: The newest and most encompassing addition to the growing family of FUEL-LESS vehicles, is the TRANSPORT COMPUTER.  Like all fuel-less electronic-based vehicles, it utilyzes the polarity between a free-floating ("non-grounded" in the electronic literature) source of electron movement (such as solar silicon chips), and a wheel-mounted magnetic induction drive - non-mechanical by virtue of its' no physical contact "brushless" configuration. ( Sources: - 24v & 36v "brushless hubs": and- -"artists grab-bags" & others.) The CIRCUIT PRINCIPLE OF THE TRANSPORT COMPUTER is: ALL GROUNDED DEVICES (such as batteries) ON A NON-GROUNDED CIRCUIT, BECOME FUNCTIONALLY NON-GROUNDED. This allows the advantages of both non-grounded and grounded devices, to be deployed as needed; while reducing all of them to the status of computer circuit line devices. "Tailor-making" of specialized lines; like lap-tops (shown), video-digi-cams, satillite dishes, L.E.D. headlights (shown), and other plug-ins, tends to reduce the need for resistors, and in fact all production of unwanted heat - with its' implicit loss of efficiency. The TRANSPORT COMPUTER is cold-running, silent, and non-mechanical: though on-board heat can be produced readily enough for cold-winter home use. Because the TRANSPORT COMPUTER has NO MOVING PARTS, unlike the older COMMUNICATIONS COMPUTERS (a fact you can verify by listening closely for a moment to your computer); it can be readily GUARANTEED for at least a CENTURY - with the exception of such residual grounded storage devices such as batteries, which still embody electrochemical processes of a deteriortive (oxidizing) nature. Solid state devices such as lithium polymer units now exist, the coated types of which have no known re-charge limit; but a patent industrial cartel along with a corrupt medical establishment has collectively conspired to keep these unavailable to the public at a reasonable cost. Ditto with film-based solar membranes. You may ask: why all the wires in the three-wheeled unit shown? This is exactly right. In the four-wheeled units now being built at SymBioniCs, these are all integrated into metallic tape of different widths (source/ stained-glass supply outlets) on the transparent plastic base platform - to yield a vehicle that is simply a large complex of integrated, transport and communication computer circuitry! The base platform has become the TRANSPORT COMPUTERS new "Motherboard": riders surrounded by a solar panel body - are now actually WITHIN the computer! Each Earth-person can now become the "Wizzard of Oz" - and it isn't that expensive or difficult either! (The example shown cost about $1300). A CMOS convention for TRANSPORT COMPUTERS should be convened soon to set standards for this newer variety of TRANSPORT COMPUTER CHIPS (roughly 10X-V/A those used in present Lap-Tops). With cheap, durable, fuel-less, TRANSPORT COMPUTERS soon coming off the assembly lines, the question becomes what kind of a social organization is appropriate to a fuel-less, non-polluting world? The rapid integration of peasant organic farmers with postindustrial workers, at least into sister-plant complexes, seems highly desirable. This, of course, is WORLD EMERGENCY PROGRAM stuff - not "consumer-choice" (alienation from work and nature) commodification. Separate (non-motor) routes must be developed - LIFE-Transport, and DEATH-transport cannot co-exist on the same surface! The natural color (with natural Earth-Albedo) for TRANSPORT COMPUTERS is LIVING GREEN! The TRANSPORT COMPUTER PORT is a transparent bubble. TRANSPORT COMPUTERS stay in the light - not in the darkness as do motor cars! With the disproving of the Crick single-function cell theory, and the startling discovery that North Americans have been surreptitiously given RADIOACTIVE POSTERIORS (by intestinal bacteria mutation from ingested G.M.O.-foods); such changes will necessarily be accomplished on a back-ground of the worst plagues (self-imposed by a hand-full of "Frankendocs") in human history. It is this, rather than any conscious choice by any knowledgable "voting electorate", which will institute universal use of the zero-pollution "Golden Rule" TRANSPORT COMPUTER, and the swift burial and recycling of every motor vehicle on Earth before their destruction of planetary life is complete. The word has just come down from the World Environmental Conference: each individual starting up a combustion motor, contributes DIRECTLY to the death of the Universe (by entropy); and , It might be added; desecrates the "Holy of Holies" (the wombs of organic Earth Life). With the advent of the TRANSPORT COMPUTER, there is no longer the excuse of falsely-conceived "necessity" for such murderous acts as entropic motor fuel usage. As it brings down the artificial compartment "walls" between Science, Religion, Art, Biology, and more: the Corporate Industrial policies of WASTE, DESTRUCTION, and CONTAMINATION, stand nakedly revealed in all of their sinister suicidal implications..... As the only major embodiment of non-entropic energy complexing on Earth - other than organic life (and one far more efficient - since it in no way relies on food-chain recycling by the Earth as organic bodies do)..... ..... the TRANSPORT COMPUTER fulfills the prophecies regarding the erection of the Third Temple, as well as constituting the arrival of the AKASHIC CHARIOT dear to Hindu prophecy. Thus it is the fit vehicle and counterpart, of the NESHAMMAH - self-sustaining HOLY-SOUL, witnessed by only a few historic prophets. Therefore, the "Two Lost Tribes" of Israel can cease searching out and piling up dead wood and stone, and commence producing TRANSPORT COMPUTERS - a Temple which can never, in its' unending multiplicity, be destroyed - unlike any Golden-Filled "hoarding up of riches" structure ever erected (one may however note - that metallic gold is a good conductor, and that some precious crystals are efficient energy transformers)! Like-wise, the Akashic "Chariot of Khrishna" becomes - through the mass production of TRANSPORT COMPUTERS - available to all; and now each Chinese can rise above the Han Emperors of old in their command of the Four Directions - from the electronic, private (yet open to nature), in whole-earth contact, platform of the TRANSPORT COMPUTER. The TRANSPORT COMPUTER is the "Crystal Ship" making possible the 2012 meeting on Tai Shen (the "Crystal Mountain") - in fullfillment of the Mayan Prophecies. Needless to say, the TRANSPORT COMPUTER, far surpasses the "Chariots of Fire" formerly produced by SymBioniCs; while the new two-hand control of the accelerators (front and back drives) reproduces the sacred handshake of the PAHANNA ritual (the "true white brother") of Pueblo Prophecy. Thus the TRANSPORT COMPUTER fulfills all these (and many more) prophecies concerning the coming of peace and prosperity to Earth; and the final cancelation of the "curse of Cain" - to live by the "sweat of ones' brow" among thorns and thistles! (needless to say; multicrop organic TRANSPORT COMPUTER electronic planters, weeders, and harvesters will follow soon......stay tuned - or better - START BUILDING THEM YOURSELF! -We hit 32k/p/h during these tests on 6 90w light bulbs of power: and expect to exceed 40k/p/h on the new four-wheeler. Beat THAT! - if you can?) Website: |