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The US War against Iraq must be halted! Worker-communist Party of Iran - 20.09.2002 22:51
The Worker-communist Party of Iran calls on all freedom-loving people, workers' organisations, progressive parties and civil rights organisations all over the world to join the ranks of the civilised world against USA militarism and bullying The US War against Iraq must be halted! September 12, 2002 The Bush administration’s warmongering and threats against Iraq have no other aim than to turn USA militarism and bullying into the dominant norm of international relations and to impose the USA's desired 'order' on the political and economic life of the world's people. Clinging to the age old wish of the freedom-loving people of Iraq and the world for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein can in no way hide the main objective of the USA's warmongering. The world is full of despotic regimes and regimes armed with weapons of mass destruction, the majority of which are chief allies of the United States. Furthermore, the USA and Western states, initiators in using weapons of mass destruction in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Vietnam, have in this instance committed extensive crimes against the people of Iraq via ongoing economic sanctions, itself a weapon of mass destruction, thereby giving the most aid in prolonging the life of Saddam Hussein's regime. The USA administration’s strategy after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of a bi-polar system has been to rely on warmongering and bullying in order to impose its unipolar hegemony on the world and to take hold of the most shares of the world's riches produced by workers and the dispossessed. During this period, any advance of the USA's 'New World Order' has entailed the imposition of regression on humanity via the most violent forms of war, terror and misery. Everyday, the contradiction between this strategy and humanity's interests becomes more apparent. The past years were the final years of this period and were revealing these contradictions. Political Islam's September 11 terrorist atrocities, however, gave the USA government an unexpected opportunity to once again bring its militarism under the banner of the 'war on terrorism' to the fore. George W. Bush has, by raising the policy of a war on Iraq and completing 'the unfinished job' of Bush, Sr. right after September 11, made it clear that his war 'on terrorism' is nothing but the continuation of the Gulf War and the Kosovo war and is nothing but an effort to revive the so-called 'New World Order' strategy. The escalating war propaganda and threats against Iraq on the anniversary of September 11 is an expression of the need and demand of the extreme right wing faction of the USA establishment to maintain the militarist and war climate. This is the way in which the USA wants to impose its domination on the world and turn its bullying into the norm of international relations. This is the strategy of a state that has, for years, been at the head of an international pole of state terrorism, reaction and dictatorship and has headed the most powerful war machinery and weapons of nuclear and mass destruction. The consequences of the USA's warmongering and threats against Iraq will not be confined to the imposition of the USA's 'New World Order'. Up till now, this warmongering has already helped to strengthen political Islam, Islamic terrorism and unbridled nationalism and religious and ethnocentric reaction in the region and will do so even more. The actions of these groups in response to a USA attack, the extension of the terrorist race to other parts of the world and also with the commencement of war, the prospects of the use of weapons of mass destruction by both sides that will result in a massive war and human catastrophe not only in Iraq but on a much wider geographical scale. These show that the military action against Iraq could set a large part of the Middle East and the world aflame. The Middle East is the main centre of political Islam and Arab nationalism, and the battleground for half a century of crisis, war and conflict between the Israeli and Arab states and the centre of the acute question of Palestine. The Middle East, particularly given the USA's comprehensive support for Israel's fascistic policies against the people of Palestine, is a barrel of explosives that the USA military attack on Iraq will undoubtedly ignite. The USA's war threats against Iraq must be halted by the power of the people. Only the forces of the civilised world and freedom loving people can prevent unbridled USA militarism and atrocities. The Worker-communist Party of Iran strongly condemns the USA's threats and war propaganda and any military action against Iraq. Along with the Worker Communist Party of Iraq and in continuation of our resolute and ongoing opposition to economic sanctions against the people of Iraq, in this case also we will mobilise international public opinion to stand up to this jingoistic policy of the USA. It has been years that the overthrow of the dictatorial regime of Saddam Hussein has been the desire of the people of Iraq and the freedom-loving people of the region and the world and the declared objective of the Worker Communist Party of Iraq. By clinging onto this desire, the USA is only trying to hide its main objective. By exposing the real objectives of the USA government and by mobilising public opinion, the Worker-communist Party will strive to organise a powerful international front against USA militarism. The banner of the civilised world against both poles of terrorism – USA state terrorism and Islamic terrorism - is in our hands. By building an extensive protest movement against USA militarism and military action against Iraq, we will once again raise this banner against both poles of international terrorism. The Worker-communist Party of Iran calls on all freedom-loving people, workers' organisations, progressive parties and civil rights organisations all over the world to join the ranks of the civilised world against USA militarism and bullying. Worker-communist Party of Iran E-Mail: wpi_holland@yahoo.com Website: http://www.wpiran.org |
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