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Massamoord onder ogen KFOR LINKS - 22.09.2002 12:49
Massamoord in Orahovac onder de ogen van Nederlandse KFOR troepen Beside the destruction of more than 120 Orthodox holy sites in the UN/NATO presence these murders and abductions are considered as one of the darkest pages of the international Peace mission in Kosovo SERBIAN ORTHODOX DIOCESE IN KOSOVO SERIOUSLY CONCERNED ABOUT THE NEW GRAVES IN ORAHOVAC Orthodox priest in Orahovac fears that graves contain bodies of kidnapped and missing Serbs September 13, 2002 Serbian Orthodox parish priest in Orahovac, Fr. Srdjan Milenkovic has informed the Diocese about 80 unindentified graves which were found in Orahovac Serb Orthodox Cemetery. This cemetery was not used by Orthodox Serbs for almost three years after the war because of security reasons and it was only recently that the priest and several members of Serb community were allowed access to the site. During their first visit in June they reported only about the desecrated tomb stones, some of them bearing a sprayed UCK acronym. But, during the more recent visit and cleaning of the weeds they were surprised to see around 80 unindentified burial moulds. "The bodies have not been buried in accordance with Orthodox customs because the mounds bear no markings. We suspect that the bodies of Serbs killed after the arrival of international forces in Kosovo may be buried here," Fr. Srdjan immediately confirmed to the KIM Radio. According to the same source, multiple graves have been unearthed and emptied. New mounds have also been discovered at the Roma cemetery in Orahovac although no Roma have been buried at that cemetery in the past three years, either. Since the arrival of international forces in Kosovo, Serbs from Orahovac are buried in the churchyard of the church in Serb-inhabited Gornja Mahala. Although there are innoficial information that the UNMIK Missing People Unit has already visited the location several times, the Diocese has not managed to get an official position from UNMIK yet. During the previous investigation of a possible mass -grave site in Suva Reka area UNMIK confirmed that forensic teams burried unindentified bodies for later investigation on several city cemeteries around Kosovo, but these UNMIK/ICTY sites are all properly marked and are publicly known, which is not the case with this cemetery. The Diocese has already requested urgent investigation in which also Serb forensic experts should take part. After the war 1300 Serbs and Roma were abducted by the Kosovo Albanian terrorist group (KLA/UCK) which used the UN/NATO protectorate to launch a violent campaign of killing non-Albanians, primarily Serbs. Not a single case of kidnapping has been positively resolved so far because UNMIK police in most of cases failed to make any investigation. Beside the destruction of more than 120 Orthodox holy sites in the UN/NATO presence these murders and abductions are considered as one of the darkest pages of the international Peace mission in Kosovo. IF UNMIK and KFOR could not prevent murders of Serb and other non-Albanian civilians during their rule there is at least hope that they will make some progress in finding their bodies.
http://www.kosovo.com/default4.html Website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/linksnederlands/message/3392 |
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