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STOP de coca-cola moorden in colombia 22.09.2002 18:31
In oktober is in Brussel het proces dat is aangespannen tegen Coca-cola. Dit bedrijf wordt beschuldigd van het gebruik van paramilitairen om vakbondsmensen het zwijgen op te leggen door middel van moord. Tegelijkertijd is er een conferentie over colombia en globalisering.  Colombia laboratorium van de neoliberale globalisering Verklaring: Opdat het geweld van Coca-Cola in Colombia en in de wereld ophoudt!
http://www.belgium.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=31787&group=webcast "I first met Luis Adolfo Cardona in Bogota, Colombia. He was clearly traumatized. He told my Witness for Peace labor delegation that on December 5, 1996, he’d witnessed the murder of Isidro Segundo Gil inside a Coca-Cola plant."
http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2002/08/139349.php + overzicht van coca-cola moorden October 12th - International Tribunal of Coca Cola taking place in Brussels.
http://pga.so36.net/en/2002/09/350.shtml Nunca Mas (Never More) is an international tribunal that holds countries, corporations and institutions accountable for their human rights violations, and involves much well-documented evidence and witnesses. Coca Cola are being brought to trial for their collusion with paramilitary death squads in having trade-union figures working for Coke assassinated. The tribunal starts on the 10th of October in Brussels. It takes place in a space in the European Parliament that has been borrowed from sympathizers within the Green party, but they are holding some sort of event involving workshops and discussions on the 12th, involving many key figures within the field of Columbian solidarity. More information about this campaign can be found in the current FTAA issue of the Green Pepper http://squat.net/cia/gp INTERNATIONAAL FORUM COLOMBIA: LABORATORIUM VAN DE NEOLIBERALE GLOBALISERING BRUXELLES, 10 & 11 OCTOBRE 2002
http://www.collectifs.net/cbc Colombia: Laboratorium van de neoliberale globalisering Internationaal forum, Brussel, 10 en 11 Oktober 2002
http://www.noticias.nl/colombia_artikel.php?id=270 Coca-Cola gebruikt in Colombia extreem rechtse paramilitaire groepen om vakbonden te intimideren. In sommige gevallen worden vakbondsvertegenwoordigers ontvoerd, gemarteld of zelfs vermoord. zie ook http://oud.refdag.nl/vp/010727vp02.html (over een zelfde proces dat in VS plaats vindt) zie ook Ondertussen in...Colombia
http://squat.net/eurodusnie/articles/dusnieuws/2001/lotte29.htm en http://www.noticias.nl/colombia.php voor artikelen in Nederlands over Oorlog in Colombia. Colombia Solidarity - Bulletin No 7 July - September 2002
http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/free/colombia/txt/2002/0625Colombia_Solidarity.htm Website: http://www.collectifs.net/cbc |
aanvullingen |  | | 21.04.2003 03:25
In Colombia, for example, union workers who bottle Coca Cola products have been kidnapped, tortured and murdered. The largest Coca Cola union in Colombia has asked for an international campaign against Coke to stop the violence against workers, which has included a half-dozen murders at one plant alone in the mid-1990’s. Reports of these crimes sparked a historic lawsuit against the Coca Cola Company and their Colombian bottler by the International Labor Rights Fund and the United Steelworkers of America on behalf of the Colombian union.
http://houston.indymedia.org/news/2003/04/11176.php Lawsuit Charges Coca-Cola with Complicity in Attacks on Colombian Union Activists Interview with Terry Collingsworth, executive director of the International Labor Rights Fund, conducted by Melinda Tuhus Killer Coke Demonstration 4/16 As coca-cola held its annual shareholders' meeting, about 30 to 40 people gathered outside of the four seasons hotel (1300 lamar st.) to voice their disgust with this world-wide known corporation. Read More, audio, coke watch.
http://houston.indymedia.org/imcenter/cocacola.jpg | |
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