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Autonomous space at the ESF (Florence) G.V. - 24.09.2002 09:25
"Diverse groups and activists from around Europe have been working on the idea of an autonomous space in Florence at the European Social Forum (6-10, November, 2002)". Here you may subscribe to an italian-english mailing list about autonomous space at ESF:
https://www.inventati.org/mailman/listinfo/spazioautonomo "To all grassroots groups and individuals that consider Florence to be an important political moment to be present and that would be interested in shaping, organising and taking part in an autonomous space". "There is the need to formulate the aims as clear possible, without imposing anything. We should ask ourselves if we are actually able to implement the scenario of an autonomous forum as we start picturing it. This is not a mobilisation call, it just aims to reflect the desire and will of many people to go ahead with such an initiative". g. |
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