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 | ignore this Bonsai Kitten site | 24.09.2002 12:16
Dear people in the world, concerned about Bonsai Kittens, Animal Freedom receives numerous mails about the Bonsai Kittens. At first we were patient in explaining that the site was just a joke. But time after time we got more astonished about the naivety of people who take this site too seriously. Years ago a similar site has begun where people were asked to send in photos of "cat-scans". These were pictures of cats placed on copiers. of course there are real photos of cats on a copier, but the purpose of the site was to offend cat-lovers. These people just enjoy receiving e-mails and like to react to protest letters with very offensive hate-mails. We are convinced that the Bonsai Kitten site was set up to shock and annoy animal right activists and that they want to prove that some activists just believe everything they read. We are afraid that this is just the case. Some animal right activist are willing to believe every bit of text suggesting animal abuse. We want to state explicitly that this type of reaction is contra productive in the effort of helping animals that really need our support. It is contra productive because the negative attention awakes creative powers in more sick people who like to shock other people. So the message is: ignore this Bonsai Kitten site and stop circulating petitions on this subject. Please concentrate on a subject that really matters, for example: factory farming. This field of animal abuse is real, urgent, worldwide and every person can do something against it, every day, over en over again. In factory farms billions of animals really are molded to the needs of greedy people. If you want to know more about the motivations of the people that make these sites and what can and has been done against it, please visit http://www.hsus.org/ace/14130
Website: http://www.animalfreedom.org/english/action/bonsaikittensite.html | |
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