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Does UK Cabinet master bating cause political Ake Tyvi - 29.09.2002 12:36
BBC World News revealed one of the UK cabinets’ major problems; cabinet level master bates. DOES UK CABINET MASTER BATING CAUSE POLITICAL DAMAGE SX-PRESS BBC World News revealed one of the UK cabinets’ major problems; cabinet level master bates. The issue was brought in public after Tony Blair’s (a member of a Socialist Party and UK’s PM) affair was revealed. BBC commented the cause of the problem as analysed shortly. These government cases seem be a bit too common in these days. In France eg. they revealed a judge working for the European Commission, who had spend 30 million francs (?*) in solving out his bating case. Some public servants in UK have even tried to solve out this huge government dilemma by taking some exercise in the park near by the ‘Web Minister’. UK cabinet has faced similar problem as long as the cabinet has existed. Major problem comes down to tree different substitutes; too positive, too negative or just negative. Playing with blocks rarely brings new taxpayers to the government, thus members of the cabinet should work hard and put some effort to their family in return. Bating yourself do not lead to anywhere. Thus the only reasonable alternative is a long term policy on governmental issue. Running a state is like having a family - more your take care of your family, the better is the end result. On the other hand you may not choose who you have to rule, but it is better to play safe. Not a single God respecting soul wants to have any substitutes, when it comes down to cabinet affairs. However, using replacements in cabinet affairs damages taking care of government issue. It is the long them policy, that counts in the end. Just like working with jewellery - you do not steal something belonging to someone else. Simple as it is. - Which brings me down to your government MI issue; single negative cases all come down to security. * Source: Kunnas; Insinöörin Etiikka; Stadia; syksy 2001 E-Mail: mraketyvi@hotmail.com |
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