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Airplanes & Skyscrapers annet - 17.10.2002 15:11
Airplanes & Skyscrapers; a manipulated monologue by Ricky Seabra www.rickyseabra.com  Ricky Seabra Airplanes & Skyscrapers; a manipulated monologue by Ricky Seabra 28 & 29 november 2002 21.00u in Gasthuis Theatre Amsterdam reservation tel: 020 616 89 42 Airplanes & Skyscrapers have always been an obsession for artist, designer and performer Ricky Seabra. His relationship with airplanes has been an uneasy one of admiration and fear. Skyscrapers, on the other hand, have always been a source of fascination especially after living in New York City for seven years. In particular, the observation deck on the 110th floor of the World Trade Center was his favorite place in New York to visit. But with family and friends living in both Washington and New York it goes without saying that September 11th came as a more than just a shock to Seabra. Everything he held as glamorous, romantic and even futuristic was now synonymous with terror and vulnerability. After premiering Airplanes & Skyscrapers in Mechelen on September 11th 2002, he brings the performance to Amsterdam in which he reads, tells stories, shows and manipulates images of airplanes and skyscrapers with his own hands live on stage. He recontextualizes the many images and memories he has of airplanes and skyscrapers through a mixture of live-action animation, music and storytelling. Airplanes & Skyscrapers is a journey through stories of disappointment and hope; stories that run deeper than an attack on a symbol of financial might, deeper than patriotic tales in red white and blue.
http://www.rickyseabra.com E-Mail: publiciteit@theatergasthuis.nl Website: http://www.theatergasthuis.nl |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek | aanvullingen | Empire, love to love you baby | kunstencentrum nOna - 17.05.2006 09:16
Empire, love to love you baby (or how I learned to Fear being un-American and loving the War on Terror) Voor Empire, love to love you baby, zoomt Ricky Seabra -Braziliaans-Amerikaans kunstenaar en sinds twee performances ondersteund door kc nOna (Airplanes & Skyscrapers – 2002 & Isadora.Orb 2004) in zijn onnavolgbare stijl met live performance & multimedia in op het wankele rijk van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika. Kan Keizerin Rickyoncé haar Rijk redden en op die manier ook de rest van de wereld? Ricky Seabra ziet deze performance als ‘A Guide for the Internationally Perplexed’’. Volgend citaat zet de toon… “We Rickyoncé, in order to form a long lasting Empire Establish Oprah Insure a bootyliscious country Provide that Floridians can’t vote Promote the B2 as national bird Assure the UN that invasions will cease On this planet ‘cause Mars will be OURS! Do ordain Jimi Hendrix and Marvin Gaye As Prince Consorts of the Empire of America” Van en met: Ricky Seabra Wetenschappelijk advies Jan De Pauw Regie Dirk Verstockt Productie Ricky Seabra ism kc nOna PREMIERE Do 15, vr 16 en za 17 juni 2006 – 20u30 – kc nOna – Mechelen www.nona.be
E-Mail: info@nona.telenet.be Website: http://www.nona.be | |
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