Appeal of the coalition against the NATO-secu no-nato-web - 24.10.2002 20:28
Appeal to all interested groups, organisations and single persons to contribute to the action against the “Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz” (“Munich Security Conference”) at February 7st – 9rd 2003 in Munich  munich_davos Appeal of the coalition against the NATO-security-conference At the annual „Munich Conference for security-policy“ there meet government officials from the USA, the European Union and about 200 high-ranging military strategists, generals and experts on weaponry. But they do not discuss, as they pretend, the international security. This meeting is a conference on war. Whose security is the focus of the meeting? World-wide “war against terror”, repression and control in the different countries – all this is sold under the label “security”. But: Is this the security of the 800 million people, who starve world-wide today, while millions of tons of food are discarded to secure the profits of the food industry? Is this the security of the millions of people in countries like Argentine where the capitalist competition for the best location marginalizes complete societies as “unprofitable”? Is this the security of millions of civil-war-refugees, of whom thousands loose their lives at the frontiers of the European Union while trying to escape from war, starvation and poverty? This is not the subject of this conference. The “security” the NATO- and EU-strategists talk about stands for expropriation, war, racism, sexism, repression and not a human life as millions of people daily fight for all over the world. Against global war: No peace for the planners of wars! After the war in Afghanistan the USA now are preparing for the next stage in the so called long duration war against terror. The next declared aim of military aggression is the Iraq. A permanent global war of the richest and most powerful countries against the rest of the world is imminent. The climax of this new war logic is that president Bush threatened to use nuclear weapons against all countries that do not surrender to the dictate of the US-government. The German government utilizes the situation to confirm their imperialist claims by speeding up the restructuring of the German army into a world-wide operating intervention army. Germany is standing in the front line with their special forces in Afghanistan, with naval forces at the Horn of Africa and they are qualifying to fight in wars all around the world. The partaking in these wars is accompanied by a domestic policy of dismantling the social security system, the annihilation of democratic rights, a racist immigration policy, the sealing of the frontiers and the militarisation of the whole society. The patriarch structure of war and militarised society affects especially women and children. There is a close connection between war and the increase of male violence, between war and rape, of military and prostitution. The economic and political powerful in the USA, Germany and the EU see themselves as “masters of the world”. They claim their right to “unimpeded access to markets and resources all over the world”. The USA, Germany and the European Union want to enforce their economic interests and their global control if necessary with military means – either together with the NATO or in military solo attempts of the USA or the EU. International solidarity against capitalist globalisation The global war is not about human rights, but about control and dominance in central Asia, the Gulf-region and other geo-strategic important, about oil- and gas-resources, about the preservation of the privileges of those few in the metropolises and about the power and profit of the great companies, banks and armament factories. This system is singularly profit-oriented and causes death in times of war as well as in times of peace. Therefore we mobilise again as we did last year together with the Swiss anti-WTO-coordination against the meeting of the world economic elite at the 25th of January 2003 in Davos and against the meeting of the world war elite at the 8th of February in Munich. Resistance can’t be stopped! In February 2002 we have – in spite of a 3-day complete demonstration ban – demonstrated with ten thousands of people against the war conference in Munich. The attempt to silence those who criticise the murderous NATO-war-policy with prohibitions and police-violence and to stop the protest before they really begun has failed. This annulment of civil rights was not accepted. The attempt to criminalize the demonstrators by a crude defamation campaign as “chaotic” and “violent” has failed as well. The motto of the last demonstration “From Genoa to Munich” expressed our political goal: To unite the movements against war and against the capitalist globalisation. The world-wide expropriation and its military enforcement are two sides of the same medal. This was and still is the core of the mobilisation: To bring or protest into the open together and to make clear to the war-strategists of the NATO and the EU: “You are not welcome here or elsewhere!” We say: It is not the job of a protest-movement to be liked by the leaders of the world. We are a manifold coalition of diverse groups with different concepts of protest and resistance. This diversity is our strength. We will not let ourselves be divided up in “good” and “bad”, bur choose the forms of our resistance ourselves. We are part of the world-wide resistance movement that developed since Seattle, Prague, Genoa, Porto Alegre and Barcelona and that begins to work against the war-policy of the NATO-countries as well. Globalise anti-capitalism! We appeal to take part in the international demonstration against the NATO-security-conference at the 7th/8th of February 2003 in Munich. We declare: The protests against this war conference will take place under any circumstances. Our right of free speech and our right to demonstrate cannot be banned or restricted by prohibitions. Come to Munich The resistance goes on – together, determined, creative! A different world is possible! These events are already planned: Anti-war-congress: 10th/11th/12th of January 2003 in the house of the trade unions (DGB-Haus) Friday, 7th of February 2003: Protest manifestation against the reception of the NATO-war-strategists by the mayor of Munich, 5 p.m., Marienplatz Saturday, 8th of February 2003: International demonstration, 12 a.m., Marienplatz Coalition against the NATO-security-conference Münchner Bündnis gegen Rassismus, Arbeitskreis Internationalismus (AKI), Ökumenisches Büro für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit e.V., RSB, PAULA Memmingen, Libertad!, SDAJ Gruppe München E-Mail: |