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Chileense gevangenen in hongerstaking COMITE HOLANDES DE SOLIDARIDAD - 24.10.2002 23:36
In Chile onder de socialistische regering worden de linkse activisten met de grondwet van de dictator Pinochet vervolgd en in gevangenissen levenslang opgesloten. LASC: Hunger Strike in Chile PRESS RELEASE: Starting at 9am on Monday October 21 four political prisoners in prisons in Chile began a hunger strike. They are Alvaro Rodríguez Escobar, imprisoned in La Serena, Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda, Rodolfo Retamales and Pablo Morales Fuhrimann who are imprisoned in the High Security Prison in Santiago, Chile. This is their third hunger strike within the last 13 months. They are demanding the followinng: 1. Freedom for all Chilean Political and Mapuche Indian prisoners. 2. Immediate freedom for Alvaro Rodriguez Escobar, who has been imprisoned for 12 years by the coalition (concertacion) government. He is the political prisoner who has been imprisoned longest. Alvaro's situation has only received false promises from the Justice Ministry and the head of the National Police we are trying to hold his freedom back. Let's not accept more pretenses! We want the Alvaro out of prison, without mediation, without losts of words. Either he walks out or we will continue our Hunger Strike until we have no stregnth left in our bodies. In the coming days each hour and minute will leave its mark, but our insistance that we will not go backward is unmovable and is becoming stronger given the fraternal and concrete support of those who accompany us and feel a part of this struggle. As long as a breath of life is left to us, we will continue fighting for our freedom and resist being locked up. FREEDOM FOR ALVARO RODRIGUEZ AND ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS: TO THE STREETS!!! SOLIDARITY, COORDINATION AND COLLECTIVE ACTION TO OBTAIN THE FREEDOM OF ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS!!! Collective Kamina Libre Political Prisoners of the High Security Prison in Santiago. La Serena Prison. October 21. 2002 (tranlsated by Earl Gilman) The Latin American Solidarity Conference website can be found at www.lasolidarity.org E-Mail: solidaridadxppchile@hotmail.com |
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