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Names alle slachtoffers....bedankt poetin ! Hans Bunschoten - 28.10.2002 00:46
Welk gas is gebruikt ? London-based security expert, Michael Yardley, said he believed the gas used was BZ, a colorless, odorless incapacitant with hallucinogenic properties, first used by the United States in Vietnam. He said the symptoms displayed by the hostages in Moscow -- inability to walk, memory loss, fainting, heartbeat irregularities, sickness -- all pointed to BZ. According to the U.S. army the side effects last 60 hours, Yardley said. "The Russians wouldn't want a big shout about it because it (BZ) is just the sort of stuff they are not supposed to have," he said. "It's not specifically banned, but...it is in a sort of gray area."
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20021027/wl_nm/russia_siege_dc_66 En nog steeds wil Rusland niets zeggen over het soort gas en daardoor kunnen de slachtoffers niet geholpen worden met een tegengif. |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | onzin | 28.10.2002 03:39
>London-based security expert, Michael Yardley, said he believed the gas used was BZ, a colorless, odorless incapacitant with hallucinogenic properties, first used by the United States in Vietnam. Overlevenden vertelden over een stank...
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