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chemical riot control, it's a gaz, gaz!! katzu - 30.10.2002 16:10
The Sunshine Project accuses the US military of conducting a chemical weapons research and development program in violation of international arms control law. The charges follow an 18 month investigation of the Department of Defense's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD). The investigation made extensive use of the US Freedom of Information Act to obtain Pentagon records that form the primary basis of the allegations. An array of documents, many of which have been posted on the Sunshine Project website, demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that JNLWD is operating an illegal and classified chemical weapons program.  http://www.sunshine-project.org/publications/pr240902.html Among those in the military chemicalspotlight are ketamine ("Special K"), GHB (Gamma-hydroxybutrate), and rohypnol. Non-lethal should not be understood as benign. In fact, these are powerful weapons designed not to prevent death or permanent injury. The Sunshine Project already accused the JNLWD (The US Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate) of conducting a research and development program on toxic chemical agents for use as weapons and chemical riot control, including anesthetics and psychoactive substances, in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention. JNLWP work to date has been based on the assumption that calmatives are legal weapons for use in military operations. The outcome of the wargame exercise has not been released. The case against JNLWD to be taken to the UN. In a project the US Army is testing aerosolized ketamine, an anesthetic and psychoactive substance similar to BZ that has been identified as a potential chemical weapon agent. Currently, the US Army is funding a clinical Phase I/II trial for aerosolized ketamine through a Dual Use Science and Technology Grant. Innovative Drug Delivery Systems, Inc. (IDDS), a recently founded pharmaceutical company in New York City, is working on special drug delivery platforms such as metered nasal sprays.(!) The Pentagon claims - and desperately wants to hypnotize itself into believing - that these arms are not chemical and biological weapons, rather, that they are a potentially less bloody way to conduct peacekeeping operations, isolate terrorists, and squelch civil disobedience. But it is exceedingly unlikely that people forcibly gassed with mind-altering drugs will - if you do get an unexpected hit of Ketamine- view the hijacking of their brains and bodies as a humane act. Much more probably, when their motor control returns and hallucinations fade away, they may have permanent psychological damage and feel enraged at the denial of their freedom of thought and expression JNLWD's desire for chemical weapons is intense and widely documented. JNLWD has explicitly stated that it is operating a program to develop "calmative" chemical weapons. In May 1999, its Research Director told Navy News and Undersea Technology "We need something besides tear gas, like calmatives, anesthetic agents, that would put people to sleep or in a good mood." In 2000, JNLWD's Commanding Officer told New Scientist "I would like a magic dust that would put everyone in a building to sleep, combatants and non-combatants." A exerpt from the JNLWD documentation: "the choice administration route, whether application to drinking water, topical administration to the skin, an aerosol spray inhalation route, or a drug filled rubber bullet, among others, will depend on the environment." The environments identified are specific military and civil situations, including "hungry refugees that are excited over the distribution of food", "a prison setting", an "agitated population" and "hostage situations". At times, the report veers very close to defining dissent as a psychological disorder. Website: http://freezope2.nipltd.net/media |
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