FTAA: Solidarity Actions Noticias - 30.10.2002 17:37
SOLIDARITY ACTIONS (around the world): SOLIDARITY ACTIONS: October 25: From La María,Colombia “March of Indigenous peoples to Quito, Ecuador to unite with other indigenous communities that also march from Peru, Bolivia and other regions of Ecuador.” 568 indigenous peoples from Cauca, Antioquia, Caldas, Risaralda, Chocó, Sucre, Nariño, from the middle of the country and from the Llanos Orientales, have converged in the peace community of “La Maria” in Cauca to march together to Quito. At the Rumichaca bridge we will unite with our indigenous brothers and sisters from Ecuador to march together to Quito. We are going to tell all of the governments of the countries of the Americas, and the world, that we reject the FTAA! (You can see the press release at http://www.colombiaindymedia.org). Organized by ONIC
onic@colnodo.apc.org (57) 1- 2811845 / 2846815 / 2842168 Calle 13 # 4- 38 Bogotá D.C. Colombia October 27: San Francisco, CA, USA Bay Area Social Forum [ link: http://stopftaa.org/sf/ Contact: bayareasocialforum@yahoo.com Buenos Aires, Argentina Continental Week of Action Against the FTAA CALL TO ACTION: A Week of Action to reject the FTAA, in solidarity with the actions in Quito, from October 27th to November 1st. We invite all of the organizacions and movements from all over Argentina to join in this action in defense of life and sovereignty to prepare diverse activities and creative actions in every community to alert the population of the consequences of the FTAA and to let our elected leaders know that they shoudl reject this death sentence. The first event is on October 27th: Discussion/Debate about the FTAA Maipú 66 (subsuelo) Organized by ATTAC with the participation of Martín Hourest (Economista), Coronel(R) Horacio Ballester y Emilio Cafassi (Sociólogo). Coordinated by Claudio Casparrino. For more informacion contact: Por un milenio sin deudas DIALOGO 2000 Piedras 730 (1070) Buenos Aires Argentina Telefax (5411) 4361-5745
dialogo@wamani.apc.org www.dialogo2000.org.ar October 28: San Francisco, CA, USA Festival and Mobilization - No Privatization - Our Water and Our Rights Are Not For Sale at Bechtel Headquarters. Contact: Bayareasocialforum@yahoo.com San Francisco Bay Area Action for Local and Global Justice [link
http://stopftaa.org/sf] Barcelona, Spain Action Against the FTAA and the Permanent War ‘Down with the FTAA and the Permanent War!/Free Trade=Terrorism’ “All of our love and solidarity goes to the days of action in Quito! Your struggle is our struggle!” For more informacion contact: facilillo@hotmail.com Oct 28- Nov 2: Quebec, Montreal CANADA A web of activities and education about the FTAA and its possible effects with tables of information, workshops and conferences about the various aspects of the FTAA. For more information contact the Student Group from McGill University at e_lego@hotmail.com October 29: Boston, MA, USA Boston Global Action Network (BGAN), http://www.bostonglobalaction.net Forum: WAR ON THE POOR: PLAN COLOMBIA AND THE FTAA An eyewitness account by Colombian trade unionist, Hector Giraldo 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Central Square Branch Cambridge Public Library 45 Pearl Street in Central Square Cambridge
http://www.bostonglobalaction.net Buenos Aires, Argentina “Speaking Event: The FTAA, Security and Nacional Defense” at Bartolomé Mitre 1910, 7pm. October 29th and November 1st: Lima-Perú MARCH AGAINST THE FTAA Everyone to the streets to protest the FTAA! For more information contact: J_A_C_K_E@latinmail.com October 30: Hartford, CT, USA Protest in solidarity with FTAA actions in Quito, Ecuador at the Connecticut Business and Industry Association(CBIA), a pro-rowland corporate trade group, that is having their conference in Hartford. Members of Wesleyan Clean Elections and the AlCA-Nunca Solidarity Bloc will be there. Contact: Jon Scolnik at 436-1328 Buenos Aires, Argentina Gualeguaychú: FTAA Workshop. For more information contact: Foro Social Entrerriano, Horacio Claret (Programa Contramano), contramano@entrerios.net October 31: Quebec, Montreal, CANADA National Student Strike and Mascarade ball organized by the Canadian Federation of Students, Randy Heeran, Brandi@education-action.net and Student Union Association of the University of Quebec, Montreal, xelagoo@yahoo.fr Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada The students of King’s College and other community organizations of Halifax will show their opposition to the FTAA and will try to educate the community about the possible effects of the FTAA. Another world is possible! For more information contact: Alex Anderson, Presidente de King's Students Union Washington D.C., USA Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ - Washington, DC) [link:
http://www.globalizethis.org Rally at the United States Trade Representatives (USTR) building Contact: msmucker@soaw.org Washington D.C., USA Rally in front of the US Treasury Department, MGJ. For more information contact:
Debikar@angelfire.com. Buenos Aires, Argentina WORKSHOPS, DAYS OF ACTION, AND MOBILIZATION ON THE FTAA Workshops: Discussion about the FTAA at the State and Society class from 3-5pm. “Independent Media and Artistic Programming at Microcentro/Florida and Diagonal Norte from 12pm to 4pm. Day of Action and Mobilization at Santa Fe. Organized by the Comité Movilizador Santafesino del Foro Social Mundial: TE: 0342-4524926 -E-mail fsmsantafe@eListas.net. ”Video debate and Activities in the neighborhoods of Cordoba. Organized by the Committee Against the FTAA. Contact: elpuente99@yahoo.com Marches: Marcha to the U.S. Embassy Meet at 6pm at the Plaza Italia. Corrientes: Marcha Against the FTAA in Corrientes at the Plaza de la Dignidad (Plaza of Dignity). Organized a week before the 31st. Organized by the Campaign for the Distribution of Free Press and Community Space. For more information contact: Foro Social Corrientes, Pablo Almirón at forosocialcorrientes@hotmail.com, Tel. 03783-471406/432570 For more information on the Week of Action contact: Por un milenio sin deudas DIALOGO 2000 Piedras 730 (1070) Buenos Aires Argentina Telefax (5411) 4361-5745
http://www.dialogo2000.org.ar Other Events on October 31: FTAA is Scarier than Halloween Event. Sierra Student Coalition (SSC- nationwide) [link: http://www.ssc.org/] Contact: rachekackoff@yahoo.com October 31 - November 4: Cities across the United States Five days of spooky actions on Taco Bell. Activists will take action at Taco Bell restaurants across the country to support the Immokalee workers boycott of Taco Bell. These days of action will be happening simultaneous to the FTAA ministerial meetings in Quito, Ecuador, and with clearly link free trade and US farm workers exploitation. Organized by the Campaign for Labor Rights (CLR) For more info contact: clr@clrlabor.org or, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers,
workers@ciw-online.org. November 2- 3: Seattle, WA , USA Two days and 40 workshops about the FTAA. Organized by the Community Alliance for Global Justice(CAGJ). cagj@riseup.net Ongoing events in October: Quebec, Montreal, CANADA Movies of Resistance: Weekly presentations of movies about the FTAA and resistance. Organized by the Student Union Association of the University of Quebec, Montreal. For more information contact: xelagoo@yahoo.fr Events with Dates Not Confirmed: Pittsburg, PA, USA March and Demonstration for Global Justice the FTAA. For more information contact: pittsburgh_october@hotmail.com,
http://www.organizepittsburgh.org Quebec, Montreal CANADA Confronting the FTAA: A Solidarity Assembly. Dinner; banner-making; videos, panel presentation; and a live report from Ecuador. For more information contact CLAC at clac@tao.com or 514-409-2049
http://tao.ca/~clac. Quebec, Montreal CANADA Regional Protest. Global Justice Coalition of Quebec. For more information contact info@oqp2001.org, E-Mail: info@noticias.nl Website: http://www.noticias.nl |