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Imagine... David Arthur Johnston - 07.11.2002 20:14
on the responsibility of imagining pride leaving the world that virtue is real and one cannot consider themself mature as long as one gives alliegence to pride. that to be 'of honour', regardless of the source of the suggestion, requires one to consider the fallacy of pride if it is suggested (and it is). that one suggesting virtue may trust in their humility enough to attract focus. May you only ever be inspired by love. May you find that anger's spirit (and spite's) is weak and inherantly immature. May you make friends with calmness and find it's all-encompassing nature. May your love of love outweigh your stubborness. May you dream well of flying and puppies and flying puppies. in unity, me David E-Mail: Hatrackman@Yahoo.com Website: http://www.angelfire.com/apes/hatrackman |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | |