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RATIO 18000:1 - THINKING OF WINNING A LAW CAS aapeli (psta AT) - 15.11.2002 00:34
18000:1 RATIO 18000:1 - THINKING OF WINNING A LAW CASE ? FINLAND - "PAAVO NIKULA (Chancellor of Justice) told in Yliopisto -magazine http://yliopistolehti.helsinki.fi, that he has not raised a single impeachment, or even has suggested one, during his nearly five year long period in office! And this kind of a story is being told in an egoistic way! Ex- Assistant Chancellor of Justice JUKKA PASANEN told in Lakimies -magazine, that he raised as many as one (1) prosecution out of 18.000 complaint collection during his period in office between 1981 - 2001! It is totally unnecessary to place a complaint into the Office of the Chancellor of Justice, since it is civil servant’s protection focus in the deepest meaning of the selected words. Story: National Coalition Party, site ID ‘aapeli’ Translator: Ake Tyvi, mraketyvi@hotmail.com Source:
https://chat.kokoomus.fi/chat/?action=1&msg=28195&show=&sid= "Oikeuskansleri PAAVO NIKULA kertoi Yliopisto-lehdessa, etta han ei ole nostanut yhtaan virkasyytetta eika edes ehdottanut sellaista lahes viiden vuoden virkakautensa aikana! Ja tallainen tarina kerrotaan itseaan kehuen! Ex-apulaisoikeuskansleri JUKKA PASANEN sanoi Lakimies-lehdessa nostaneensa virkakaudellaan 1981- 2001 perati yhden syytteen 18.000 kantelun kokoelmasta! Oikeuskanslerinvirastoon on taysin turhaa kannella mistaan, koska se on virkamiesten suojelupesake sanan varsinaisessa merkityksessa." Tarina: Kansallinen Kokoomus, id ‘aapeli’ Linkki: https://chat.kokoomus.fi/chat/?action=1&msg=28195&show=&sid= |
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