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afgelopen nacht: arrestaties in italie indynebbia - 15.11.2002 15:39
afgelopen nacht vonden 20 arrestaties plaats in Italie tegen de zogenaamde no-global (new-global), vanaf dat moment vonden ook in het land verschillende solidariteitsakties plaats The Napolitan 'leader' of the new-global movement in Italy has been arrested last night. He wasn't the only one, with him another 19 persons are involved in the arrests. It's the Digos of Benevento, (Digos is the Italian political police) who made the arrests, on request of the Court in Cosenza. Francesco Cirillo and Giuseppe Fonzino are the so called leaders of the same movement in the cities Cosenza and Taranto, both south of Napels. Another 22 persons are being investigated in 5 regions: Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Sicilia. The pressed charges consider Caruso, Cirillo and Fonzino at the head of a movement called: Rete Meridionale del Sud Ribelle. It is thought by the judges that this network has the aim to make subversive actions, and to devastate during international meetings as Genova G-8, and Napels earlier in the same last year. According to the Digos links with the so called Black-Block (Italian fashion industry seems not to be involved so far) have emerged during these investigations. The so called prove exists says Digos: they found in the investigated houses baseball sticks, iron sticks, masks and so on. These seem to have been used, according to the Digos, during the G-8 manifestations (and not for sports manifestations). Then, the Rete Meridionale is being accused of organising a Red Block to be put behind the Black Block. Of course these are still the findings of the Digos, as mentioned in the national newspaper La Repubblica. Charges: political conspiration to disturb the governmental functions... (as we know also, the Berlusconi government makes the mess just by themselves, so if they're left alone it'll 'Block' itself sooner or later...) make subversive propaganda. Well there are some other charges pressed also, and it seems as if they just want to have a long list, to make it look more serious. In front of the police-office of Benevento young people of different signature have gathered to know first what is happening. This is now happening spontaneously also in other Italian cities, and tomorrow there will be more actions like these. Francesco Caruso has been transferred to the 'maximum safety' prison of Trani (near Bari) It seems that the arrests have mostly to do with the meetings in Napels and Genova (G-8) last year. |
Lees meer over: globalisering | aanvullingen |  | De Volkskrant zaterdag 16 november 03:08 uur | LinkMichel - 17.11.2002 17:23
"Zij zouden een 'uitgebreid en gevaarlijk subversief netwerk' willen oprichten. De arrestaties hebben grote woede gewekt van mensenrechtengroepen, religieuze leiders en politici." "'Ze proberen de beweging te criminaliseren', zei Luca Casarini, een van de leiders van de antiglobalisten in Italië. Don Vitaliano della Sala, een priester die No Global een warm toedraagt, noemde de aantijgingen absurd. 'Ik ken Francesco (Caruso). . . als hij subversief is dan ben ik dat ook.'"
Website: http://www.volkskrant.nl/buitenland/1037340344305.html | |
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