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Solidair met opgepakte Kritische Studenten Kritische Studenten Utrecht - 15.11.2002 17:03
Dinsdag 12 november werden enkele Kritische Studenten opgepakt door burgemeester Deetman zie: http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2002/11/7403.shtml Nadat op indymedia was opgeroepen tot een email-actie tegen Deetman kwam een stortvloed aan reacties los uit de hele wereld. Hier slechts een kleine selectie: (Om privacy redenen zijn namen her en der weggelaten) Sehr geehrter Herr Deetman! Leider kann ich Ihnen nicht in niederländisch schreiben, aber Sie sollen wissen, dass Ihre repressive Politik gegen Studentenproteste auch im Ausland mit Schrecken zur Kenntnis genommen wird! - Dear comrades! We have read that your last demostration was forbidden so we want to send you our more energical support. We encourage you to continue with the struggle from Ikasle Abertzaleak, the basque students left and nationalist union. By the way, we'd like to have a more tight contact with students unions and organizations all around the world. Best wishes - Hello, We want to express our solidarity with your actions against the commodification of education. We also want to express our solidarity with the 7 arrested students. OUR EDUCATION IS NOT FOR SALE!!! good luck, another world is possible, ATTAC-University Ghent (Belgium) - From: Dr. Eero Carroll Swedish Institute for Social Research Stockholm University 10691 Stockholm Dear Mayor Deetman I have recently heard from a reliable source that your office would have been behind demands on maximum allowed numbers of students at a protest rally. Permission to demonstrate is also supposed to have been refused by your office because of "fears of violence". The student protest in question, scheduled for Friday Nov. 8th, was supposed to have been directed at Dutch cost cutting measures against higher education, an issue close to my heart, since similar policies have taken place in Sweden during the 1990s. Let me say that I do not understand by what right your office makes it its business to say how many people should be allowed at a demonstration, as a condition for whether that demonstration should be allowed a permit or not. Let me also say that disturbances of the public peace in a demonstration must be dealt with by police at the time they arise, not envisioned beforehand as a "reason" for denying permits to assemble and protest government policy, a basic citizens' right from which even wartime abrogation is not to my knowledge permitted by international treaties to which the Netherlands is a signatory. Let me finally say that demonstrative arrests of seven students are a poor way of gaining anyone's good will, including the international community's goodwill for a city which is supposed to stand for international justice. I urge that you release those concerned, and that your office refrain from similar misuse of your authority in the future. The eyes of the world are upon you. - The refusal of the right of free speech to students is the beginning of a dictatorship! Doing this on financial grounds is the beginning of a capitalistic dictatorship! Nobody wants your "Democracy"! - Meneer Deetman, Ik wil u laten weten dat ik geschokt ben door het feit dat u een aantal studenten die volstrekt geweldloos en symbolish aan het demonstreren wan in Den Haag, hebt laten arresteren. Naar mijn mening verdient u het predikaat "democraat" niet langer. Met ingehouden woede, - deetman , protest is al overdruk in de pan. sluit die pan dan nou niet... want dan explodeert die... met de vriendlijke groeten van iemand die achter de demonstraties staat , die er altijd zijn in Den Haag. Een Hagenees ........... - Dear Mayor Deetman I am writing to express my severe dismay at the international reports on your role in the recent banning of a student demonstration in The Hague, and the subsequent arrest of 7 peaceful student demonstrators. Having just returned from Florence in Italy where the Mayor was a leading figure in ensuring the success of the European Social Forum and preventing the Italian police from smashing up peace protestors, I am brought back to the reality of short-sighted political leadership. Students have a right to a free education, and a right to demonstrate peacefully without fear of arrest. If the students remain arrested, you must ensure their release now. If the students are being charged with any offences, they must be dropped now. There is a growing radical movement across Europe, and students are a key part of it. We will take whatever steps necessary to ensure the interests of our fellow students. You have been warned - put right the wrong you have done or face an international campaign to publicly humiliate you. Students are many things, Mr Mayor, and above all, they are clever. You won't know what has hit you before it is too late. yours insincerely University of Leeds E-Mail: kritischestudenten@phys.uu.nl Website: http://www.kritischestudenten.nl |
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