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Film over dammen in India evel - 26.11.2002 18:25
De nieuwe film van Franny Armstrong (bekend van documentaire over het McLibel proces en ww.mcspotlight.org) wordt off-circuit buiten het IDFA gedraaid, aanstaande zaterdag, Franny Armstrong zal het inleiden Drowned Out Latijns Amerika centrum, Nieuwe Herengracht 29 18.30u entree 3 euro There is going to be a screening of a recently completed documentary called Drowned Out this Saturday, 30th Nov, in Amsterdam. The film follows the story of an Indian family who choose to stay at home and drown rather than make way for the Narmada Dam. It is an incredibly powerful film and has been getting exceptional reviews: "There are some films you want to recommend. But this is a film I'd beg people to go and see. It is that important." Scottish Socialist Voice "At once angry, compassionate, distrubing and yet empowering, it makes for urgent and necessary viewing" Time Out The screening will be introduced by the director, Franny Armstrong, who will also be able to answer questions afterwards. You may have heard of Franny from her documentary 'McLibel' - the inside story of the McDonald's ] libel trial - or the 'McSpotlight' website, which she launched in A'dam in 1996 at the Next 5 Minutes conference. Full details of the screening below and on the flyer at
http://www.spannerfilms.net/news/pages/amsterdam.htm For more information on the film see www.spannerfilms.net. Hope to see you and your friends there. Feel free to contact me with any questions and please pass this information on to anyone you know - including press - who may be interested. Cheers Lizzie Gillett -------> DROWNED OUT - FIRST EUROPEAN SCREENING - An Indian family choose to stay at home and drown rather than make way for the Narmada dam. - the new 75 min documentary from the director of 'McLibel' on: Sat November 30th 2002 at: 6.30pm in: Latin America Centre, Nieuwe Herengracht 29, Amsterdam. Tel 020 622 9781. for: 3 euros on the door with: Director Franny Armstrong introducing the film & holding a Q&A session "There are some films you want to recommend. But this is a film I'd beg people to go and see. It is that important." Scottish Socialist Voice "At once angry, compassionate, distrubing and yet empowering, it makes for urgent and necessary viewing" Time Out "The trouble is that once you see it, you can't unsee it." Arundhati Roy -------> E-Mail: evel@xs4all.nl |
Lees meer over: Agenda | aanvullingen |  | International Documentary Festival Amsterdam | LinkMichel - 26.11.2002 20:15
" Elf dagen lang, tot en met 1 december, kunt u kiezen uit een aanbod van ruim tweehonderd documentaires uit de hele wereld. "
Website: http://www.idfa.nl | |
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