Join an international movement against execut Worker-communist Party of Iran - 28.11.2002 00:12
Join the Worker-communist Party of Iran's international campaign against the new wave of executions and support the people of Iran against Islamic rule.  The Islamic Republic of Iran has embarked on a new wave of executions to instil terror and force the protesting people to retreat. In its 24-year rule, the regime has committed one of the biggest massacres in contemporary history in order to smash the 1979 Iranian revolution. The execution of more than one hundred thousand political opponents, including children and youth, is part of its record. Murder is an inseparable part of this regime's identity. Islamic rule is unimaginable and impossible without execution and torture. The Islamic Republic of Iran is about to fall. In its desperation and to instil fear among the people who have come to the fore to overthrow it, the Islamic regime has turned to more executions. Following a relative decline in the number of executions in the 90s, this policy has once again been stepped up in the last two years. In recent years, the accused have mainly been sentenced for selling narcotics or committing murder in show trials. The purpose of these executions, however, is entirely political and aims to frighten and warn the protesting people that the Islamic regime has the capacity of mass executions. Public hanging from cranes and the public flogging of youth aid in this purpose. Moreover, in recent weeks and months, there have been an increasing number of executions of political activists, protesters who have been arrested during demonstrations, ideological opponents and those accused of blasphemy and insulting Islamic sanctities. In this situation, organising an international and comprehensive movement against the recent wave of executions and for the release of political prisoners in Iran is vital. The regime is fragile; with the support of a powerful and consistent campaign, it can be forced to retreat. We call on all labour organisations, progressive political parties, civil rights institutions and progressive personalities to recognise this urgency and fight Islamic rule and executions shoulder to shoulder with the struggle of the people of Iran. Join the Worker-communist Party of Iran's international campaign against the new wave of executions and support the people of Iran against Islamic rule. We must defeat this new policy of the Islamic regime. With the defeat of this policy, the Islamic Republic will find itself in a much more vulnerable position in the face of the people's movement for its overthrow. Send this sample Protest to the Islamic Republic president Mohammad Khatami at: I / We: - Strongly condemn the Islamic Republic of Iran for its recent wave of executions, stonings, torture of political prisoners and public flogging of youth; I / we demand an immediate end to all forms of execution, torture and persecution. - Call for the immediate release of all political prisoners, and unconditional freedom of expression and of political activity and opinion. Please send a copy to: Worker-communist Party of Iran E-Mail: Website: |