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international media-strike 2 free Italy international media-strike 2 free Italy - 28.11.2002 09:58
international media-strike 2 free Italy from fascist legislation and police initiatives Political activists in jail thanks to the interception of their chats on Internet and on the phone (we think we are all under control in Italy actually) as well as several judicial procedures against professional and/or independent press activities are the reasons for this international alarm to outline the dangerous effects of past fascist legislation and present police activities counteracting local media-activism. This drammatic emergency asks for a politic reaction able to erase the so co-called Italian "emergency legislation" and opinon-based crimes both counteracting the free speech within and outside the Net in Italy. We now call for a media-strike to carry out on 3 December 2002 and consisting in the interaction with net tools (irc, mailing-lists, forum, mailbox ecc.) of significant organizations (Amnesty International, Electronic Frontier Foundation, European Parliament as for example) with the aim to outline the "Italian case". To coordinate each-others and comunicate updates and media feedbacks it is possibile to take advantage of #mediastrike irc channel on the http://www.ecn.org server. To learn more about Italian censorschip take into consideration also http://www.ecn.org/sotto-accusa and http://italy.indymedia.org Website: http://italy.indymedia.org/news/2002/11/119773.php |
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