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[MLNews]12/7 World News/An Amerikan Christmas Claudia White, SLC, Utah, USA - 08.12.2002 02:41
Amerika, Burma, Colombia This message is being posted in html format. Apologies if this format is not compatible with this site. Happy Holidays from the US... [MLNews] 12/7/02 World News & Info: An American Christmas A) American War/American Anti-War Demos B) Burma C) Colombia >>>>>>>>>>>>X A) America/War/ Demos 1.2002 Grinch of the Year Contest admin@7... 2.Fwd: US Gulf War I, 1991 (Pictures) mart-remote 3.12/5 Ill. Senate Supporting Pilots in Bombing 4.(AP) Servicemen's Remains Return to U.S. Soil 5. (AP) U.S.: Homeland Security Renews Drug War 6.WAR CRIME ALERT - US, UK bombs Iraq, 8 Civilians Murdered - 20 Wound mart-remote 7. $$$ As Always, War Is Good Business! $$$ - Fwd; - (Toronto Star) mart-remote 8. Parents Furious As Pentagon Slides Recruiters Into Classrooms Rick Rozoff 9. Fwd: JCPenney offering UNTHINKABLE war toys! 10. Warfowitz At NATO HQ Today To Step Up Iraq War Drive [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG] 11. NATO Global Strike Force Could Be Ready For War On Iraq Rick Rozoff 12. US Takes Over Military Airport, Sends Hundreds Of Troops Near Iran Border Rick Rozoff 13. Qatar: 800 British Troops To Take Part In US Wargames [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG] 14.Report: Wolfowitz, Straw Demand Turkey Host 100,000 US, Rick Rozoff 15.Pentagon Is Set to Activate Thousands More Reservists inea1111 16. (Reuters) US planning call-up of military reserves-officials 17. (AP) Military Wants Some Reservists Back Home 18. (AP) Lawmaker: British Army Is Short of Boots 19.Iraq war could cost US nearly $2 trillion [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK] 20. WILPF DC: Washington Post Article, Antiwar Movement 21. washingtonpost.com: Antiwar Effort Gains Momentum inea1111 22. madison.com: AntiWar Teach-In Squashed 23. Antiwar.com Campus Tour Continues inea1111 24. Commentary: US Will Find Something In Iraq - Even If It's Not There Rick Rozoff 25.Know Your Govt; Do Something! - AF&O 12.03.02 Natalie Davis 26. Moscow concerned by continuing US air raids on Iraq mart-remote 27. Please help Gujarat Muslims & Christians (New Appeal) Syed Tanveeruddi (New Member) 28. Dec. 7th ProLibertad Party!! ProLibertad Campaign 29. New York City Anti-war March-- December 14, 2002 PLEASE DISTRIBUTE mart-remote 30. UPCOMING ACTIONS / NEW ENDORSEMENTS FOR JAN. 18 International A.N.S.W.E.R. 31. Trent Lott's KKK Kristmas Gift Aaron 32.[rights.human] Join 85,000 people in asking Bush to find peaceful resolution >>>>>>>>>>>>X B) Burma 1.{{AW}} Burma Human Rights Protest December 10 2.[usas] Dec. 14's Holiday "No Sweat" Season of Conscience protest 3. Photodocumentation of war crimes in Burma Natalie Davis 4. [FBC] Burlington Coat Factory Wraps up Burma Buys 5. [AkhaWeeklyJournal] Akha Books Moving Out 6. US To Extend Military Occupation Of Afghanistan Rick Rozoff 7.Afghan police shoot demonstrating students 8. SOLE meeting 9.The Arts: Photos peace demonstration Amsterdam 26 October 10. (Ruters) Disgraced former Myanmar military ruler Ne Win dies 11. [FBC] BURMA'S EX-DICTATOR DEAD 12.[FBC] Burlington Coat Factory Wraps up Burma Buys 13. [FBC] Wisconsin Students Demand Action on Alumnus Imprisoned in Burma 14. War and Peace inea1111 15. Ain't Capitalism Grand! :) mart-remote >>>>>>>>>>X C) Colombia 1. Nov-L: (Fwd) Scientists Challenge Claims of U.S. State Department 2.[IAC] Support Colombia Soldarity Delegation! 3. Jan. 15-27, 2003 delegation to Colombia [wilpf-news-us] 4.4.COLUMBIA: - U.S. Union Activists Participating In Solidarity Trip To Colombia mart-remote 5. [IAC] War in Colombia: Made in USA - exciting new book aboutstruggle 6. u.s. volunteers in colombia help 10 year old esmeralda 7. Flash! - Colombia trial is suspended in chaos mart-remote 8.COLUMBIA THREE BOYCOTT COURT HEARING mart-remote 9. FARC demands US military mission out mart-remote 10 MSN Take action! COSTCO BOYCOTT in Mexico, USA and Canada Robert P. Kolb 11.(CP of Brazil) "New trends in Latin America" mart-remote 12. ALERT* Take Action to Restore Our Civil Liberties Natalie Davis ==================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MainLineNews: Fall/Winter 2002-2003 MainLineClassifieds~ Global Advertising xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ==================== AltaVista.Com: Translate with Babel Fish
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