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Netstrike against EU Global Roots - 13.12.2002 03:27
The Danish activist network Global Roots is running a net-blocade as a protest against EU and Fortress Europe. It’s a legal action and it will have a big effect if many people join. The details follow. We hope you’ll join and very importantly that you’ll link to the site http://www.disobedience.dk  Internet action against the EU: the Danish activist group Global Roots is carrying out the first netblocade against the EU EU politicians are hiding behind barbed wire, police and roadblocks, and authorities want to prevent demonstrators from coming to Copenhagen to voice their disagreement with EU’s politics. People who are prevented from participating in the demonstrations in Copenhagen can now show their resistance to the EU via the internet. Global Roots have arranged an internet action to target the homepage of the Danish presidency http://www.eu2002.dk To participate in the action, you must enter the Global Roots website and run a so called WebSript. As long as the script runs, the server targeted is ”hit” by a request it can’t ”understand” every 1,5 seconds. This means that it diverts resources from the system, at worst or best the machine breaks down or at least ”answers” slowly. The action is legal and ONLY works if a lot of people participate at once. Because of this ”mass basis” the action have more legitimacy than more elitarian hacking by individuals. The action can best be compared to a blockade of, for example, a factory. If only a handful of people show up, it will have no effect and probably not much support. If thousands stand in the way, no one can get through, and the case gains wide appeal from the people. The action runs from Friday morning until Sunday afternoon on Website: http://www.disobedience.dk |
aanvullingen |  | why? | Hans Bunschoten - 13.12.2002 08:54
Eerst zou ik wel eens willen weten waarom ik mee zou gaan doen aan deze actie.Wat zijn de argumenten? Ik ben geen kuddebeest die overal maar achteraan loopt. | kuddebeest? | thijs - 13.12.2002 10:15
Blijkbaar wel dus want het moet je blijkbaar eerst verteld worden door anderen. Zelf informatie inwinnen is misschien een optie...? | link | Bob - 13.12.2002 14:20
Die link werkt niet meer, uit de lucht gehaald soms? Overigens kan iemand mij uitleggen wat het verschil is tussen deze actie en een DDoS attack? | | 13.12.2002 15:25
Global Roots 13.12.02 Our website, www.disobedience.dk is currently unreachable due to massive hacking and a politically motivated police raid on the hosting company. In Copenhagen a massaction is about to take place near the summit area. www.modkraft.dk | ?!?!?! | Stephan Dekker - 14.12.2002 00:22
kan iemand mij uitleggen warom ik een lijst van mijn shared files van Kazaa krijg als in naar http://www.disobedience.dk ga?
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