Rnedlesham Files raise more questions henk (Linda Howe) - 13.12.2002 13:23
Rendlesham Files 1980  http://www.earthfiles.com/news/news.cfm?ID=444&category=Science UFO encounter DID YOU TOUCH IT? Yes, as part of the investigation. The size of it was approximately 3 meters wide by 3 meters tall that's approximately 9 feet. AND WHAT CAN YOU SAY ABOUT THE SURFACE THAT YOU TOUCHED? Well, I think the fabric or the shell was I guess the best description would be a very smooth opaque, like black glass. Even though at a distance, it appeared metallic. It made no sense, once I was up there (close to it) that it was more like black glass. I'm not sure I was pretty confused at that point. WHEN WE TALKED ABOUT THIS A FEW YEARS AGO, YOU REMEMBERED, I THINK, SEEING SOME KIND OF SYMBOLS? Yes, that is probably the most interesting part of it. I did draw them into my notebook. That was part of the 360 (degree examination) we were doing on the investigation because it was not a downed aircraft at that point, but we knew we had something out of the ordinary. You don't mind if I look at my notes, do you? 'On this smooth exterior shell, there is writing of some kind. I'm not sure what it is. Size 3-inch lettering. May be symbols that stretch for a length of 2 feet. Maybe a little more.' The feeling after I touched these symbols, I would describe them as like etched or engraved, like a diamond cut on glass. That was the feeling of these. I guess etching would be the best way to describe it. |