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EVIDENCE OF EXPLOSIVES IN THE SOUTH WTC TOWER COLLAPSE (HTML). What really bought down the towers? - 14.12.2002 08:42
This Article Claims Evidence of Explosives In The South Tower Collapse. What do you think?  Evidence of Explosives In The South Tower Collapse. The evidence showing that the World Trade Center towers were demolished is compelling. Here are a few photos of explosives detonating during the collapse of the South Tower. Each frame is numbered by its position in the video. The video was shot at 30 frames per second. So an eight frame interval covers about one quarter of a second. Frame 147 shows a row of explosives detonating right across the east face at the 79th floor. Frame 203 shows a row of explosives detonating right across the east face at the 75th floor. The right photos show the dust from the explosions outlined in red. The third row the photos show the relative positions of the two lines of dust. It has been claimed that the explosions of dust that span the east face of the tower, were caused by air being forced from the windows as each of the floors above collapsed. This explanation is obviously incorrect. If it was correct, such lines of dust would have been expelled from the windows of each floor in succession. That is, we would have seen such lines of dust expelled from floors 79, 78, 77, 76 and 75 in succession, but what we observe is an explosion of dust at floor 79, no new clouds of dust for a few floors, then another explosion of dust at floor 75. It is worth noting that the second line of (much larger) explosions occur at the center of a section of mechanical floors (the three mechanical floors appear as a slightly darker gray band across the building and are important for the strength they impart to the building). It is possible that the mechanical floors 76 and 75 (and also 74) have no windows, but of course, if this is so, it raises many more questions than it answers. In particular, if the mechanical floors have no windows, then the explosions of dust from floor 75 cannot be caused by air being forced from them as the floors above collapsed. The dust due to the visible explosions is a whitish grey. The dust from the demolition of the upper section (which is disintegrating as it falls) is dark grey. One wonders what caused this difference. A sequence of still photos of the collapse (at quarter second intervals) is included in http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian/WTC/south-tower.htm In these frames, we can see that the top 35 or so floors have snapped off and are toppling eastward. In the above frames we follow the north-east corner of the tower as this 35 floor section collapses. Using the north-east corner as a reference I have outlined in red the progress of this 35 floor top section as it descends. The first thing to note is that the top section itself must be disintegrating otherwise (as the above frames show) the top section would have extended far into parts of the building that are clearly as yet unaffected by the collapse. But what could possibly cause the top section to disintegrate? And in fact, what could possibly cause the top section to almost entirely disintegrate, before the lower section begins to collapse? You have to realize that most of the top section had not been affected by the aircraft strike or fires and was thus still the same immensely strong structure that had supported the building for more than 30 years. If this section was going to fall at all, this section would fall as one piece (like a tree in the forest). Unless, of course, this section had been laced with explosives and was undergoing a controlled demolition of its own, just a few moments before the lower part of the building was demolished. Try these for a little truth about 9-11.
http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian/WTC/wtc-demolition.htm The World Trade Center Demolition. 740 KB
http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian/WTC/south-tower.htm Evidence of Explosives In The South Tower Collapse.
http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian/WTC/WTC_ch1.htm Chapter One of the FEMA WTC collapse report (with comment). 850 KB
http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian/WTC/WTC_ch2.htm Chapter Two of the FEMA WTC collapse report (with comment). 1.9 MB
http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian/SeptemberEleventh/WhatHitThePentagon The Pentagon Crash Hoax. 1.4 MB
http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian/STF/stranger-than-fiction.htm Stranger Than Fiction. 600 KB
http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian/SeptemberEleventh/arabs-not-to-blame.htm Arabs Not To Blame For 9-11.
http://nerdcities.com/guardian/SeptemberEleventh/ang-mission.htm The Air National Guard Mission And Vision Statements. (How did the ANG measure up on September 11? In one word: treasonous.)
http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian Full list of articles from http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian Some of Eric Hufschmid's early web articles on 9-11 can be found at
http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian/SeptemberEleventh/Schmid/WhoBlewUpWTC.html Who Blew Up the World Trade Center.
http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian/SeptemberEleventh/Schmid/CloudsOfConcrete_2.html Clouds Of Concrete.
http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian/SeptemberEleventh/Schmid/PentagonPlaneCrash.html What Identifies A Demolition?
http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian/SeptemberEleventh/Schmid/index.html Full listing of Eric Hufschmid's early web articles. Articles from serendipity.magnet.ch and others
http://serendipity.magnet.ch/wtc.html The World Trade Center Demolition from serendipity.magnet.ch
http://serendipity.magnet.ch/wot/mslp_ii.htm McMichael's Analysis Of The World Trade Center Demolition.
http://serendipity.magnet.ch/wot/insurers.htm The World Trade Center Demolition As An Insurance Scam? http://www.mujahideen.fsnet.co.uk/wtc/wtc-hijackers.htm Many Hijackers Still Alive.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/middle_east/newsid_1559000/1559151.stm Hijackers Still Alive From the BBC.
http://www.worldmessenger.20m.com/alive.html Another Article On The Hijackers Who Are Still Alive. For faster downloads you can find 3 of the above articles mirrored at http://www.thepowerhour.com/911-nerdcities/nerdcites.htm http://www.thepowerhour.com/911-nerdcities/nerdcites.htm
http://www.thepowerhour.com/911-nerdcities/World%20Trade%20Center%20Demolition.htm The World Trade Center Demolition. 740 KB
http://www.thepowerhour.com/911-nerdcities/Chapter%20-%20The%20WTC%20Report.htm Chapter Two of the FEMA WTC collapse report (with comment). 1.9 MB
http://www.thepowerhour.com/911-nerdcities/American%20Airlines%20Flight%2077.htm The Pentagon Crash Hoax. 1.4 MB For a full list of articles from http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian, click here. Website: http://www.nerdcities.com/guardian |
aanvullingen |  | Great web-pages | Great web-pages - 14.12.2002 08:50
Great web-pages | Interesting stuff. | Interesting stuff. - 10.09.2003 09:34
Interesting stuff. | |
aanvullingen | |