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picket-actie bij NL. ambassade in Dublin GJ - 14.12.2002 13:38
Op 10 dec. vond er een picketline plaats bij de NL. ambassade in Dublin door de West Papua Action group. Zie URL The Irish News December 10, 2002 West Papua action call A HUMAN rights group is due to hold a vigil at the Dutch embassy in Ballsbridge, Dublin, today from noon to highlight the alleged murder of people in West Papua by Indonesian soldiers. The West Papua Action group is calling on the Netherlands to publicly seek a proper act of self-determination in West Papua in accordance with international practice as they agreed to at the United Nations 40 years ago this year. "The Dutch government continue to sit on their hands as the Indonesian military kill and torture West Papuans," West Papua Action Coordinator Mark Doris said. "Silence kills. As former colonial power, the Netherlands can and should support West Papua as Portugal supported East Timor." etc. etc. Website: http://westpapuaaction.buz.org/latest-news.htm |
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