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DE AIRCAR de auto aandrijven met luchtdruk Ronald - 15.12.2002 16:32
De motor van Guy Negre zorgt voor een revolutie in de transportsector. Geen fossiele brandstoffen meer in de tank, maar lucht als brandstof! Deze luchtdruk motor van MDI is een van de belangrijkste uitvindingen van de vorige eeuw. Guy Negre heeft een motor uitgevonden waarmee 110 km/u mee gereden kan worden en waarmee een afstand van 300 km kan worden afgelegd. Het vullen van de tank kost maximaal 3 Euro, gegeven het feit dat de auto 77 Eurocent per 100 kilometer aan luchtdruk kost.  Wednesday, 25 September, 2002, 14:43 GMT 15:43 UK France to unveil air-powered car The new car has a range of about 200 kilometres, ... news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/2281011.stm BBC News | AFRICA | The car that runs on air ... piston engine is powered by the release of compressed air which is stored in tanks, very similar to scuba diving tanks, attached to the underside of the car. ... news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/988265.stm Technology Review - Air-powered Autos ... The big plusses of the air-powered car, according to Negre, are super-efficient energy consumption as well as minimum pollution and maximum affordability. ... www.techreview.com/articles/wo_harney091902.asp Zero Pollution Motors Inc. PRODUCTION UNITS. MDI ZERO POLLUTION VEHICLES. ... Beschrijving: Zero Pollution Vehicles - Revolutionary compressed air motors can power a vehicle up to 120 miles. www.zeropollution.com Motor Development International, Guy Negre's Air-Powered Car French inventor and engineer Guy Negre has designed an air-powered car (aka zero-pollution vehicle or air car)! ... Air-Powered Car Information. ... www.globalstewards.org/aircar.htm Air-powered car: Green Grail or pipe dream? SPACE WIRE Air-powered car: Green Grail or pipe dream? PARIS (AFP) Sep 28, 2002 A French David is challenging the goliaths of the ... www.spacedaily.com/news/020928042702.fkqpd20t.html Howstuffworks "How Air-Powered Cars Will Work" ... One possible alternative is the air-powered car. There are at least two ongoing projects that are developing a new type of car that will run on compressed air. ... www.howstuffworks.com/air-car.htm Pulse24 - Toronto's News ... Into Diamonds. October 30 Environmentalist To Market Air-Powered Car. October 30 New Legislation Tries To Protect Investors. October ... www.pulse24.com/Business/Top_Story/ 20021030-002/page.asp motoring.iafrica.com | news briefs An air-powered car? Are they ... ... You are in: Motoring > News Briefs HEARD ON THE GRAPEVINE An air-powered car? Are they kidding? A car that’s propelled by air ... motoring.iafrica.com/newsbriefs/122834.htm - PRODUCTION UNITS. MDI ZERO POLLUTION VEHICLES. ... Beschrijving: Zero Pollution Vehicles - Revolutionary compressed air motors can power a vehicle up to 120 miles. www.zeropollution.com/ Technology Review - Air-powered Autos ... Negre’s company, Motor Development International (MDI), created what it calls the ... The big plusses of the air-powered car, according to Negre, are super ... www.techreview.com/articles/wo_harney091902.asp E-Mail: info@aircar.nl Website: http://www.aircar.nl |
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