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On the congress of The Iraqi Opposition WORKER COMMUNIST PARTY OF IRAQ - 18.12.2002 15:07
COMMUNIQUÉ OF THE WORKER COMMUNIST PARTY OF IRAQ ON: THE IRAQI BOURGEOIS OPPOSITION'S CONGRESS IN LONDON It has become obvious that the postponed congress of the nationalist and religious forces and groups formed by the US to adopt a document presented by Washington will be held in the middle of December in London. One does not need to study all the programs and documents of this congress to be able to understand it. Regardless of the reactionary nature of the alternative proposed by the parties participating in the congress, its real goal differs from what will be discussed and decided upon. Not just the expected outcome of this congress, but its timing reveals its theme (content, core, nature) and the aim behind it. It is another field among the fields the US needs to prepare to be able to impose war on and commit a new carnage against the people of Iraq. It wants to add an Iraqi flavour to its crime. It is a congress to legitimise the killing of Iraqi children and defenceless civilians. It is a propaganda display to market US plans and counter protests against the war internationally. It is a cheap conspiracy to add, with the help of the hireling media in the west, some Hollywood tricks and scenes to the scenario of "liberating" Iraq at the cost of committing genocide against the Iraqi people. No reasonable person believes that the participating parties represent in any way the objectives and wishes of the Iraqi people. Those invited to the congress include many ex-generals and officials of the Baath regime who hundreds of individuals are trying to take to court for war crimes and acts of genocide. However, this is not an important issue for the participants and the hireling media. Their importance lies in the fact they are nothing. Their real capital is their political bankruptcy. They are a group of actors in a bloody American play; their task will end with the end of the coming carnage. They will not be heroes of a real change in Iraq. Worthlessness and political bankruptcy give them a big space to perform the roles allocated to them without any fear of losing anything. The hectic efforts to fulfill their roles in the American scenario do not represent the wishes and hopes of the masses who want to get rid of the Baath regime. The US cannot deceive the masses and cover its exposed aim behind the war by talking about overthrowing the Baah regime, a wish dear to the hearts of the masses in Iraq and of freedom loving people worldwide. The Worker Communist Party of Iraq will stand against this conspiracy. We will inform international public opinion about its real aims and call the masses and freedom lovers to stand against it. We believe any party in Iraq with the slightest concern for the lives and security of the masses will not only boycott this congress but will condemn and denounce it. We condemn the attempt to legitimise the US carnage against the masses, condemn the participants in this conspiracy, and expose the advocates of war. E-Mail: wcpi@sympatico.ca Website: http://www.wpiraq.org/english/Forward/index.htm |
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