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Proof 9-11 conspiracy from FBI? & more Mark Metzelaar - 21.12.2002 04:12
New information about a testification from 2 FBI officers: Headquarters wanted to know what Al Qaeda was doing but ordered NOT to make criminal charges. And more info about all my 9-11 articles and new research Eminem. This is a copy from MY Email that contains info interesting for many others as well: I just got some new information from an ex-naval officer that quit his job because he had some doubts about posible getting orders to press the button: www.antiwar.com This is with many links e.g. senator Ronn Paul. The ex-officer looks at 9-11 and other things just like how things and people work: everyone likes power and glory and they do many things for that; so no real conspiracy. Mark: In fact you say a cultural conspiracy is the case. Gave a short look on the mentioned site and what did I find: "Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks. The supervisor who was there from headquarters -...- wanted him to do was to follow suspected terrorists and file reports, but make no arrests."
http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/primetime/DailyNews/FBI_whistleblowers021219.html Isn't this proof of a real conspiracy??! Some other good sites: www.infowars.com.resources.html Only class A ranking newsarticles (or infowars for the full far going conspiracy theory) www.unansweredquestions.com www.whatreallyhappend.com www.gregpalast.com A copy of my Email to Greg Palast; see end for all of my english articles: Hello Greg Palast, since 9-11 I came more and more into 'conspiracy theories' and especially into supportive info to them. In the Netherlands a political murder happened one day after the politician Pim Fortuyn met US-officials (ambassador Sobel, Lockheed, CIA?) and Dutch generals about the Joint Strike Fighter. He opposed the JSF, a multi billion dollar project with the Dutch, but now they say he changed his mind that day. A long story, but I did most of the research. The left-wing animal freedom killer, they officially say acted on his own. But according to information known 3 years to police investigators, he is part of a group of 6 people. Justice says he acted on his own, while their own information is not supproting that completely! De intelligence department BVD, now AIVD, one its main targets is to infiltrate in left-wing activist organisations. As this quite extreme group is known for at least 3 years, probably one of the 6 also works for BVD/AIVD. But I like to answer to you request for info about 9-11. I did some research considering that. If you like, you can use my information and articles (and do some editing for better reading). Ofcourse, in that case I like to have the normal rate for published pages that come from me. But the case is most important; to put all the info together. I also know some other people with a bit different stories in this. My english articles for 9-11: USAMRIID & CIA-Cuba-911-plan
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2002/09/6249.shtml CIA knew 3 hijackers & plan(ned) to attack Congress
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2002/09/6638.shtml Bush behind 911? part I; introduction
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2002/08/6082.shtml Bush behind 911? part II
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2002/08/6091.shtml Final part; Bush behind 911?
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2002/09/6205.shtml CIA sharpshooter kills 6 for Congressvote
http://dc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=34377 Hope we can do something for the case! P.S.: do you have info on what songs Eminem was working, or planned to? According to a musician from San Diego (I'm in San Diego right now), Eminem liked the TV-programs from the guy behind www.infowars.com very much. Also in one of his songs he sings about "New World Order". He would be potentially very dangerous; if he made a song about all the conspiracy details, every American would get to know, as populair and controversial he was. This is just new research; I'm not saying there is more behind the murder right know. E-Mail: mailing_mark@yahoo.com |
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