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Reuters over martelende USA militairen 27.12.2002 02:56
Reuters bericht over een verhaal in The washington Post o.a.over instalaties die gebruikt worden om te martelen. " Captives who refused to cooperate were sometimes kept standing or kneeling for hours, in black hoods or spray-painted goggles, the Post said, citing intelligence specialists said to be familiar with CIA interrogation techniques." ... Als dat niet helpt: "some who did not cooperate were turned over -- "rendered," in official parlance -- to foreign intelligence services whose practice of torture has been documented by the U.S. government and human rights organizations, the Post said." Over geheime martelcentra: "The off-limits patch of ground at Bagram was described by the Post as one of a number of secret detention centers overseas where U.S. due process does not apply, where the CIA undertakes or manages the interrogation of suspected terrorists. Another was reported to be Diego Garcia, a British-owned island in the Indian Ocean." Website: http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=1962100 |
aanvullingen |  | Reformatorish dagblad | 27.12.2002 03:02
Schrijft er ook over. Citaat: "Als je niet zo af en toe de rechten van mensen schendt verlies je waarschijnlijk je baan”, aldus een functionaris die toezicht hield op het gevangennemen en overbrengen van verdachten.
Website: http://www.refdag.nl/website/artikel.php?id=19546 | |
aanvullingen | |