Integral remodelling of the site Francisco Trindade - 30.12.2002 18:47
Integral remodelling of the site Our intention when renewing was in first place to provide one better environment of reading, a different arrangement of the texts and its visual aspect. Integral remodelling of the site Our intention when renewing was in first place to provide one better environment of reading, a different arrangement of the texts and its visual aspect. We invite all the interested parties who already have visited or not this site anticapitalist, anarchic and for one another possible world that dedicates a part of its time to see or to review the site most complete on that it was assigned for the first time of anarchist. They are in this site some of the works and articles, published and unknown, that the author of these pages had chance to write in these last eighteen years. In this third year of existence of the site where in them we launch in the translation and spreading of our texts in English language, with a monthly update and 31 000 visits we have the pleasure to announce the integral remodelling of the site Responsible technician for the totality of the site the friend of always - Jose Carlos Fortuna. Concepts that if can find treat and debated in proudhon, federalism, anarquismo, anarchy, self management, politics, democracy, philosophy, federal state, state, proudhoniano, proudhonismo, federative principle, philosophy of the Work, socialism, international I, work, libertarian, freedom, justice, autonomy, independence, materialism, idealismo, capital, espontaneidade, antero of quental, eça of queirós, Oliveira martins, António Sergio, ideology, commune, Paris, capitalism, violence, civil war, civil disobedience, reform, repression, revolution, inquiry, authority, federacy, contradiction, dialectic, society, individualism, bourgeoisie, history, fight of classrooms, property, work force, proletariat, craftsman, strike, peace, right, communism. Subjects of interest yesterday as today that they can be found in Proudhon greetings Until brief Francisco Trindade E-Mail: Website: |