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stoning in Iran worker-communist party of Iran - 01.01.2003 17:18
* The Islamic Republic of Iran is forced to stop stonings under pressure! * The Islamic Republic of Iran is forced to stop stonings under pressure! 27 December 2002 On Thursday 26 December 2002 it was reported that Shahroodi, the head of the Islamic regime of Iran's judiciary, had issued a directive to judges not to carry out stonings and disregard issuing such sentences in the future. This is a clear retreat in the face of general public protest, abhorrence, resistance and the resilient struggle of the activists of the women's liberation movement against this appalling crime. Furthermore, it is the result of pressures brought to bear by international public opinion through the recent negotiations with the European Union. The Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI) is proud of being at the forefront of this relentless struggle. The activities of its members and activists to galvanise progressive public opinion internationally to bring pressure on the European Union are well-known. Mina Ahadi, a member of the WPI's Political Bureau and the Coordinator of the 'International Committee against Stoning' is a renowned international personality in this struggle. The European Union had no option but to convey this pressure to the Islamic Republic of Iran and the regime had no option but to retreat from continuing to commit this appalling crime. The regime must be forced to end all its crimes and must be ousted. All the leaders of the regime and those who have been party to sanctioning, issuing sentences and carrying out these barbaric and other Islamic punishments must be put on trial for their crimes against humanity. The attempts by people like Jamileh Kadivar and the 2nd Khordad faction (also known as the reformists) to suggest that the regime's retreat is part of their 'reforms' is even more shameful and disgraceful. This is our victory, the victory of people's protest and that of the egalitarian and progressive movement and must be recorded and recognised as such. The Worker-communist Party of Iran congratulates the people of Iran, Mina Ahadi, the International Committee against Stoning and the activists of this struggle. The progressive movement of the people of Iran will press on until the downfall of the Islamic regime and the abolition of all of its criminal codes. E-Mail: wpi.international.office@ukonline.co.uk Website: http://www.wpiran.org/english |
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