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Growing pressure against stoning Worker-communist party of Iran - 01.01.2003 17:22
On the German Foreign Ministry's comments regarding Mina Ahadi's claim that they have done nothing to defend the victims of stoning in Iran On the German Foreign Ministry's comments regarding Mina Ahadi's claim that they have done nothing to defend the victims of stoning in Iran Asqar Karimi The German Foreign Ministry's response to Mina Ahadi's exposure of the German's government silence and collaboration with the Islamic Republic of Iran in regards stoning, which was printed in the German daily Berlin Zeitung, contains some significant points. The German Foreign Ministry rejects Ahadi's claim that they 'have done nothing to defend the victims of stoning' and has stated that: 'the German Foreign Minister, Fischer, has met with and conversed openly and frankly with his Iranian counterpart about human rights.' The Ministry has added that: 'It is more effective to use quiet behind-the-scenes diplomacy rather than too much hue and cry.' What a convincing argument! But then, what else can a government that has supported the leaders of the Islamic regime in Iran, sold the regime arms and torture equipment and even trained its horrifying security agents say? Fischer's disgraceful defence is a desperate attempt by a reactionary European government that has accommodated one of the most criminal governments in history. The noticeable point, however, is the growing pressure exerted by the Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI), the force which represents the progressive people of Iran and has forced the German government to give such a feeble response. This force has not allowed any government to portray the Islamic Republic and its criminal leaders as 'democrats' and 'reformists' and recipients of the 'Nobel Peace Prize.' This force has turned the beatings and injuries of Roya Mosayebi who had escaped stoning and compulsory veiling and sought asylum in Germany into a political disgrace and moral bankruptcy for the German government for forcibly veiling her in preparing for her deportation. This force is the one that defeated the Berlin conference which was organised by the Heinrich Böll Institute in April 2000 in order to promote Mr. Fischer's policy of selling Khatami as the representative of the people of Iran to the people of Germany. One must add tens of other activities. These pressures including the extensive activities of Mina Ahadi, the co-ordinator of the International Committee against Stoning and a member of the WPI's Political Bureau, forced the Institute to organise a conference on stoning and invite Mina Ahadi rather than the regime's representatives as a speaker; this in turn forced Mr. Fischer to respond. Mr. Fischer does not represent public opinion in Germany; he belongs to the reactionary ruling administration of Germany. It is the Mina Ahadis who represent German public opinion, which is against stoning, execution, veiling and political Islam as well as against deportation and harassing those who have fled the Islamic regime. The civilised world needs us, we who have resolutely risen against political Islam. It needs to hear the truth from us. The civilised world does not benefit from the policies of reactionary European governments, policies which are incompatible with people's humanism and progressiveness. People are reaching the truth about Iran, the Middle East and political Islam from us; this is a tremendous responsibility that we shoulder. Our telling of the truth as it is, our radicalism and consistent and humanist defence of people's rights and freedoms, contemporary human society's need for us and our policies, the turning of European politics to the Left regarding political Islam and the Middle East, the growth of the progressive movement of the people of Iran to overthrow the regime are our strong points and has provided us with an historical opportunity to make our version of political Islam (and not that of Mr. Fischer, Blair and Bush's) the general version of the West. Once before, the ANC did not allow the people of the West to see South Africa through the eyes of the European ruling administrations. Now it is our turn. We believe deeply in our victory in this struggle and are ready to fulfil our historical mission. This is the magnificent and enormous reality that forces a reactionary government to even more historical retreats. Fischer's defensive response and the extension of an invitation by the Heinrich Böll Institute to Mina Ahadi are only tiny aspects of this retreat in the face of public opinion, which is being shaped by us. The Islamic Republic is too reactionary and has committed too many crimes. It is deeply despised by the people; it will be overthrown by the people's verdict on the scene and not 'behind the scenes'. Mr. Fischer and other German government officials should not have any doubts that they will create even more disgrace and shame for themselves; in this battle vis-ā-vis us, they will end up being the losers E-Mail: wpi.international.office@ukonline.co.uk Website: http://www.wpiran.org/english |
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